or only when you need something?

  1. When I lived near Chicago it was a lot, now that I live near Denver it’s rarely.

  2. I spent a portion of my childhood growing up in these types of small cities. Usually trips to the nearest large city were limited to destinations for entertainment, shopping, or as the hub for air travel. My parents hated traveling into the city and would avoid it unless necessary.

  3. Very, very rarely. Most everything I need I can find within a couple of miles of my suburban house.

  4. Rarely. I’m about two hours from New York and only go there for Yankees games and maybe once per year for other stuff.

  5. Rarely. The nearby major city has a couple sports teams, but none that we particularly like and there are plenty of good restaurants and things to do in our suburb. The only time I really find myself in the major city is when I take the train to the nearest major metro because there is only one stop per day in my suburb, but a dozen in the major city.

  6. I’m within an hour of Indianapolis and rarely go unless I have to. The airport and concerts are my main destinations. I had a Costco membership for years, but found my desire to have to drive there lessen each year to the point it wasn’t worth the membership.

    If I couldn’t buy nearly anything I could dream of online and have it delivered to my door, I’d go a lot more often. I certainly did 20+ years ago.

  7. Rarely. My city’s big enough that we have the necessities without having to go to places like Seattle or Tacoma.

  8. I live 35-45 miles from downtown Atlanta in a county of 112k. I avoid Atlanta if at all possible, I can get everything thing I need in my home county. To me the county is still a crowded city or suburban area but my girlfriend says we live way out in the countryside. In the last year we’ve gone into Atlanta less than 12 times.

  9. I live kind of close to a smaller city and maybe once a month I drive to a major city. (Excluding work)

  10. Once a month usually. Costco isn’t in my small town. Some medical visits would be in the large town.

  11. I’m a little more than an hour from Chicago and I rarely go there. Gotta be a sporting event or a concert or something for me to want to put in the effort of going to the city.

  12. I grew up about an hour outside of Charlotte, North Carolina. We’d go to Charlotte around 4 times a year and when I was an older kid maybe 6 times a year. When I got older and could drive I’d try to go more like at least once a month if not more.

  13. Tucson is 2 hours from Phoenix and has most things, so we rarely go there. Phoenix is also really big with lots of traffic. The biggest reason to go there is because flights are sometimes a lot cheaper from there, but I’d pay at least $50 to not have to make the drive.

  14. It was pretty often when friends lived there. Now it is sporadic but I’ll do it on a whim. I need to go sooner than later cause i want to take some pics.

  15. Just for the airport or occasional specific restaurant so like twice a year

  16. About an hour from DC, once you’ve been a few times and seen the museums, other main attractions, and walked around to explore the city eating at a few of the restaurants, the hassle of going and massive price mark ups compared to doing something similar outside the city just don’t seem worth it.

    When I had more friends that lived in the city I would go in to hang out, but now it’s easier for my friends in the city to come out than for everyone else to go in when we hang out.

  17. I live about one hour from NYC and I think I’ve been maybe twice within the last 2 years.

  18. I live about one hour from NYC and I think I’ve been maybe twice within the last 2 years.

  19. Rarely. My city is big enough that the only thing I need to leave for are concerts which I rarely go to anymore. I do go to see friends if I can. I wish there was a bus or train that could take me.

  20. I’m about an hour and a half from the closest big city. I don’t like going there so only do so when necessary. I’ve gone 4 times in the past 6 years.

    I previously lived 20 minutes from a different city and went multiple times a week for 9 years.

  21. Knoxville is about an hour from us and we go every now and then. Nashville is two hours from us and we don’t go there very often at all

  22. I live like an hour from Detroit and I go there pretty often. Hard to say exactly how much cause sometimes it’s a few times in the same week and then I don’t go for a month but it’s a thing.

  23. Rarely. My sister lives in Portland (Oregon) so I’ll go to visit her. Or go to Powells. But it’s maybe 4-5x a year. I live less than an hour away.

  24. When I lived in a Denver suburb I would need or want to go to Denver maybe once a month but almost everything I needed was closer to me.

    Now I live in a small town in NC and I’ll drive to Winston-Salem (a medium sized city) about 3x week for something and Charlotte (a large city) maybe once every few months for something.

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