What do you think of cats and dogs?

  1. I like dogs as working animals and food. Very few pet dogs are likeable to me, and most of the good ones I’ve met have been either very well-trained hunting dogs, former police dogs, or otherwise trained by a professional.

    I don’t like cats but I also don’t mind them; I took one in when she was kicked out by her owners as they moved, and I would definitely not have done that for a dog.

  2. I love cats, I am afraid of dogs though, but I am sure they are good people.

  3. I love cats. They’re independent yet very loving.

    It’s fun to visit somewhere with a well-behaved dog, but I’d NEVER own one. They’re perpetual 2-year-olds.

  4. I have a cat, she’s kind of a jerk but I love her. I would have a dog if I had the space. I just really love animals to be honest.

  5. Absolutely adore cats.

    Dogs? They’re alright. Not for me, but I love my friends’ dogs like they’re my own.

    The best dog I ever had belonged to a friend. He was a scary looking dog and looked like he could take a bear in a fight with amount of muscle he had, but he was such a softie and loved nothing more than curling up in your lap and napping. Which was always great, but the dog was huge, and your legs would end up going dead long before he’d move.

  6. I love them both. Slightly prefer dogs when it comes to owning them, but I’ve never had a cat so that makes me scared to try i guess.

  7. I’m a little salty with my own cat (ripped my hand open while we were playing), but I like cats. We grew up with cats, I love the cat cafe, and we do have one. His name is Soba and he’s a giant kitten. He’s bonkers.

    Dogs, though? I love dogs. I have a corgi. One of the great loves of my life was my heart dog, a terrier mutt. I love going to parks and the pet store just so I can pet dogs.

  8. Dogs are adorable, but cats have my heart. I own the most adorable pair of Ragdolls and they are my entire world. Me and my fiancé treat them as our children. His parents even refer to them as their “grand-kittens” instead of grandkids because they know how much we love them. 🤣

  9. I love cats and have two.

    I like some dogs, but also recognize that they’re a lot more work than cats, and not something I have time for now. But I am also frightened by big dogs and loud dogs, and don’t like being around dogs that smell or have bad breath. So I’ve told my husband we might be able to get a dog in the future when we’re retired, but it would have to be a very specific dog.

  10. They are interesting animals that are well-suited as family companions for humans. I do better with cats for companion animals than dogs, but some people are the other way around or equal for both.

  11. 3 sibling cats and a toy poodle, I think they’re fantastic and I can’t imagine being without them. I also share a mastiff with my ex and a chuahua with my mom, but neither live with me full time.

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