So I did used to have friends but I recently cut them out of my life due to an incident. They weren’t good friends though, heavily into drugs and I myself am a recovering addict so it did me good to get away from them

But since then it has left me feeling lonely. My phone never rings except for business related stuff, no group chats etc

I am getting married soon and released I didn’t have a best man, so I asked one my neighbours if he can do it. I barely know him but he is a nice guy that I get along with. I didn’t have any to organise a bachelor party for it

But the thing is I don’t really put in effort with people. I am quite comfortable doing my own things but it’s just that feeling of knowing there isn’t really anyone there that gets me down. It did kind of hit when I thought about my bachelor party, how there wasn’t anyone besides my neighbour that I could try and organise something with

I’m just venting really

  1. When you’re ready, you’ll start connecting again. It’s rough adapting to things after being an addict and very normal feeling a bit alone.

    There’s also Men’s Shed which is a good safe way of making some social connections safely. But also, when you’re ready.

  2. it is ok if your comfortable doing your own thing, just sit with yourself and try figuring out if this what you want or is there another reason for it.

    having a good support system is also important and having your spouse with you will be a part of it. but it might be helpful to add a close friend or 2.
    making friends as an adult can be a little tricky and the relationship is also a little different. but you can give it a shot.

    you don’t need to plan for the bachelor party you can go out with your neighbor, have a couple of drinks and talk. there is no problem with that.

    that being said you seem to be in a good place in your life now. so i wouldn’t say it is urgent, but if that made you feel that you should reconsider some parts of your life that’s ok and you can work on that.

    hope you the best and congrats on the wedding <3.

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