Soo my girlfriend and I have been together almost a year and I’m just now finding out that she has had a boyfriend for 3 years. Her excuse was she didn’t know how to leave him. They met up multiple times while me and her were dating, saying she was doing something with her mom or going to a work function. Even going as far as going to hockey games with him and telling me it was her friends. Now she broke up with him and is begging me not to leave her. Should I just leave her or give her another chance?

  1. To state the obvious it’s in your best interest to breakup and cut contact. No matter what she says or does now cannot change that she lied more than once to you. Take a few moments to step away and recognize your leverage to leave quickly

  2. Do you think you can ever trust her again?

    She disrespected you pretty deeply, as well as this other guy. Also, it is possible she will do the same to you.

  3. Your GF failed the GF test miserably, 2x. She cannot be trusted.

    So, you’re the AP to your GF and her BF, and she just broke up with him? But she couldn’t do it for a year?

    She’s a cheater, juggling two guys for a year, and you haven’t walked away from her?

    Think about all the lies it takes to pull that off?

    How did you find out she had another BF?

  4. What, she was double dating and you are asking me if you should give her a second chance?

    Hell yeah my man, you obviously are a glutton for pain.

  5. I think the answer is quite obvious, OP. Breaking up with her might be painful right now but it is going to save you a lot of pain in the future plus the constant trust issues, anxiety, and arguments you will likely have.

  6. If shes going to do that 2 someone shes been seeing for 3 years, what do you think she’ll do 2 you.

    100% you walk.

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