How can I deal with a husband who doesn’t know how to be responsible with money ? We got married less than 2 years. I work full time and his lost his job since October last year. He had a good personal savings but he doesn’t stop by things that it is not necessary right now ( for example eating out every day) fridge is full, I cook every night but his always have to buy something every day. I am pretty responsible when comes to save and spend money because I didn’t come for a upper middle class. I just feel is so irresponsible from him spend money buy things what is not necessary. I keep saying to him our joint saving account it is for emergency. He thinks his dad’s money is his money. He keep saying to me if he needs money his dad will give to him. Any advice?

  1. You gotta lay down the hammer. If he needs money to get himself a happy meal everyday and says his day will pay, he should ask his daddy before he goes. If he can’t hold down a job he shouldn’t be spending like he has disposable income. If he doesn’t follow the rules for the joint bank account close it and don’t give him access to your money. This is going to require a tough conversation, but better to have it now than months or years from now when you’re getting divorced because of financial spending differences.

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