Our anniversary is coming up in the next few months – what is the best gift your spouse gave to you?

  1. Third row tickets to a concert – it was a musician I’d been wanting to see for years. This was a birthday gift, not an anniversary gift, but regardless, I like experiences more than I like “stuff” and it was so sweet that he took that into consideration when he chose my gift.

  2. Every year he takes me to my favorite Indian food restaurant an hour and a half away. I only get to eat there once or twice a year (including our anniversary) because it’s far away and normally about $40 for the two of us (which is pricey for us). I always enjoy it and don’t mind repetition at all. He always tries to get me what I want and that’s just one of a plethora of reasons I love him!

  3. Honestly, that she agrees to spend her life with me is the greatest gift of all.

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