Made a throwaway for this. Essentially, I went to a pretty high-end shop a couple days ago to buy something for a family member. The sales assistant helping me out, was really nice. Rather than talking about the product, we started having a conversation about everything but the actual product. What we study, where we hope to work, it was quite a long conversation. She essentially said something like “damn I hope you come back to make my day a bit better” once I was heading out, and it honestly didn’t seem like the usual customer-service “come back soon!”


I get this sounds like it should probably be posted on r/ForeverAloneDating or something, because obviously – she’s in customer service, she has to be nice, it’s her literal job. But idk, the fact she was asking me way more personal questions than she had to, and especially because we are both studying the same thing, hoping to work at the same places etc., made me feel like I could have just asked “when do you finish work?” or something. I’m also two years above her at uni (not age wise though, we’re the same age, and also a different uni), so she was asking me about advice for exams.


I didn’t, obviously, because I didn’t want to ruin her day by being a creep, and I’m also just recently out of a pretty long and toxic relationship so I might be really bad at reading signals.


So yeah, let me know if I made the right choice or whether I fumbled 🙂

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