So, I had a testicle removed due to testicular cancer a number of years ago and never bothered with a prostetic due to unnecessary health risks. I have no problem with it, but my new relationship is likely ro start getting physical and I worry it will be a shock to her if I don’t say something before we have sex.

How do I bring it up? Its not something I have spoken to her about beforehand.

  1. I doubt she’ll be looking at your ballsack during sex, just go with it and talk about it with her if she asks after the fact.

  2. Tell her with these exact words

    “So I had a testicle removed due to testicular cancer a number of years ago and never bothered with a prosthetic due to unnecessary health risks.”

    If she’s too stupid to understand, get rid of her.

  3. Just say it out while you’re having a casual sex conversation. Or say about your cancer diagnosis and the treatment you went through for it in a serious conversation or a get to know each other conversation, if you’re ok with discussing it in points or deeply.

  4. Just tell her. U had surgery to avoid further health problems. Nothing is wrong with that.

  5. I don’t really understand why it has to be brought up at all. If she asks, explain what you just said here

  6. Just say it. Maybe other women are different, but the amount that I care about your balls (outside of health of course) is about 0%. As long as we like each other and everything meshes, one less ball is nothing.

  7. Wait until she accidentally bumps into your crotch or something and say that she popped one, then it’s on her!

    In all seriousness though, just be straight with her. If she’s a cool lady, as I’m sure she is, it shouldn’t be a big deal at all.

  8. Have her watch sunny with a chance of meatballs than in the middle of the movie tell her you only have one meatball, when she looks confused you can pat your crotch.

  9. Also had testicular cancer, the few girlfriends I had afterwards it came up naturally in conversation. (Not, hey I only have one teste; but the cancer conversation which leads to me saying btw I’m cancer free so I only have one testicle)

  10. I had one removed for the same reason 23 years ago. For the most part I’ve told them beforehand and it’s never been an issue. I found out early on that when I added that my orgasms are more intense after the surgury (truth) and it shifts the mood from “Oh, you poor man” to “Oooh, really? Do tell.” A couple one night stands and drunken quickies had no idea.

  11. I mean I think you just bring up in conversation that you are a cancer survivor. No one in their right mind will ever think negatively of you for that.

  12. I’ve never had a girl look at my sack, certainly not that early on. However, the fact that you’re in remission is a story she would probably like to hear.

  13. Tell her: “hey, you know what Hitler, Franco, Mao Zedong and I have in common?”

  14. Women here…

    Not only would I look at this as a great conversation piece (it could be educational, funny, or even enlightening), but my first thought upon reading this was: ohh wow, I could fit his entire nut sack in my mouth. 🤷🏽‍♀️

    You’re brain is turning this negative due to the trauma of losing a body part and staring death in it’s ugly face. You’re alive, your gorgeous in all ways, and this is nothing in the grand scheme of things!

  15. You have an advantage my friend, a good test of her character, if you tell her, and she shuns you because of it, you’ve just dodged a bullet. Unfortunately there’s a lot of selfish horrible people out there. You need to find someone that loves you for you. One ball or not!
    If anything she should find it fascinating and be sympathetic to your story. It would also make a great ice breaker 🤣.

  16. Hey funny story, I have 1 nut. Well I had testicular cancer so they removed one and I didn’t want the fake nut. 200% she won’t care and if she does she ain’t the one bro.

  17. I think I will bring it up, start in a casual way and then let her lead how serous she wants to discuss it. It doesn’t bother me but as i have never even mentioned, I was unsure on how to bring it up.

  18. I’m a woman, I would never ever care about this. If she acts weird then get rid of her. Definitely tell her before though.

  19. My buddy was horrified to tell his gf. Then he finally did and she was just like “oh, ok”

  20. Ask her the icebreaker question, “have you ever had to have surgery?” She will likely say yes or no and then follow it up with what about you. And then you have a reason to say I only have one ball

  21. I have one ball, i dont care and women dont care. Just tell her if you want, but it wont make a difference.

  22. I’ve also only got one, for first times, most women don’t notice until you tell them, although they would eventually so best to give them a heads up. I’ve never had any negative reactions or anything, more curiosity tbh. As long as everything is working down there, they don’t tend to care.

  23. If it’s a problem for her she is not the kind of girlfriend you should choose to be with. If she reacts anything other than supportive then she needs to get in the bin. Supportive is the basic entry level of reaction you should be getting from her, anything less… bin.

  24. I have the same situation due to an injury. It very rarely got noticed. It happened when I was 18 and it messed with my self confidence for a long time, but after splitting from my first wife I dated a lot and it never came up.

  25. My husband only has one testicle due to torsion and no prosthetic. It was brought up casually before we got together. The only time it’s really come up is with he was having some abdominal pain and I pressured him into storing some semen just in case.

  26. I dated a guy with one ball in college. It was no big deal. He was fantastic in bed.

  27. I also have only one testicle. I usually don’t tell partners, and they usually don’t notice. But I’m also very open about it. I don’t hide it, but it also doesn’t come up in conversation often. If someone asks, I’m honest with them. It’s never been an issue.

  28. I guess you could say.. I’ve only got one nut.! Doesn’t seem like a big deal

  29. As a woman, I would absolutely not give a shit. The only way I’d see this being an issue for anyone would be fertility.

    I think it would be a pretty easy casual conversation I would hope. Even if you just on the spot said “hey I’d like to communicate something with you”

  30. One of my children had to have his removed as an infant because of health issues. I remember feeling worried about it and asking the doctor. He also informed us of prosthetic options. However, he said that most males opt not to have them or end up having them removed afterward because of the discomfort. He also said that in his entire career, he does not recall a time that a man came in and said it was negatively impacting his sex life to have 1. Just be upfront. I really don’t think it will be a big deal.

  31. It doesnt interfere with sexual performance – its not a bug deal. Just be honest.

  32. I would bring it up in the context of lance armstrong with his twitter name being Juan pelota or one ball. Or make a joke and say “something something my ball” or “back when I had 2 balls”. I would bring it up as a joke in a funny light. She might not even think your serious, have fun with it. I don’t know if any woman who would care but it would be a surprise if she’s trying to suck your balls abs there’s only one.

  33. Fine. Let the underwear be stained. When you’re on your period, just wear the stained underwear. Let them keep getting stains. He can complain you are walking around in stained underwear, or he can deal with your method of washing.

    All in all, it sounds like he was having a really bad day, and that was just the straw that broke the camel’s back, and he handled it REALLY poorly. We had a similar situation once in my marriage where we had been on vacation and I was in my period. I thought I had stopped. Stupid using tampons. Had gone an entire day without anything. Then, suddenly, we are at some tourist attraction, and things are feeling awful wet. I went to the bathroom, but the damage to the underwear was already done. I must have had a clot that needed to pass or something. Thankfully, I was in a pair of very dark jeans and it was already wearing period underwear.

    We got back in town, and I immediately went to change, obviously. I left both the underwear and the jeans in the bathroom and started unpacking clothes and searching for other dark clothes that absolutely needed to be washed. During that time, he happened to go to the bathroom and saw it. He also reacted poorly. Said it was disgusting, and how could I just leave it for him to find, etc. I got snappy back asking if he thought it was really comfortable to be on a car trip like that? We both calmed down. It was just the stress of getting back from a trip with 2 kids and being tired.

    My mom had a similar reaction at one point. I have beg the same way with periods, and when I was still very young, I had one of those doozies where you bleed through everything and have so many clots you may as well be birthing jelly fish. It was the first time it was THAT bad. So, I didn’t know what to do and took everything off and put in the bathroom trash and then went to get new clothes. By the time I got back downstairs, my mom was screaming at me for “just leaving an open pad in the trash for everyone to see!” I guess she didn’t realize that my underwear and everything was in there as well and that I was planning on emptying the bathroom trash to the main trash. But, I had not had time yet.

    Oftentimes, time is the downfall. In our perspective, our time was valuable, and running late or needing to finish something took a higher priority on the list. Sometimes, it just backfires.

  34. I watch this streamer named Penta who lost a testicle to cancer. He’s a very funny dude and said that he liked to play it one of two ways, when she notices you lightly freak out and start searching for it and then go, oh shit they removed it a few years ago and it never grew back or you pretend to be ignorant and that you think all guys have one ball and she’s crazy for suggesting men could have two. Either way, there’s a very slim chance she cares and if she does she’s certainly not a good match.

  35. I don’t think she will care at all. She will be sympathetic to what you went through and the emotional impact it had, but that’s it. Don’t stress at all about this.

  36. Before having sex I insist on having a sex talk. STIs, pregnancy, body limitations and oddities. It’s usually me with a list. I am seeing someone with one testicle so this time he had one to add.

    This is what adults do. They talk about things. If she doesn’t approach it with curiosity, kindness or gentleness, she doesn’t get access to it.

  37. Uniballer here too. Just say it. I’ve never had a problem with anyone negatively reacting.
    Most women hate balls anyway. Lol.

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