Is this a psychological thing? Does anyone else get this?

Obviously nothing beats the climax that happens later on, but there’s something special for me about the beginning of intercourse.

It’s like this other worldly feeling… Like we’ve entered a different universe where time doesn’t matter, just our closeness and feeing each other skin to skin. I just get this sense of comfort, a boost in confidence and even more desire to satisfy her.

This is my take as a man. Maybe women see it differently. I’m not sure.

Is it a highlight for you?

  1. Same reason the first bit of delicious food feels so good, or the first drag on a cigarette (if you’re a smoker), or the moment when the water first hits your scalp and shoulders in the shower, etc etc etc.

    When you want something, the first moment of experiencing it is the best.

  2. Oh, I LOVE that part. The anticipation, especially if he barely rubs the head of his cock on my lips. My juices escaping from my lips and coating his head. Sliding up and down, just barely inside my lips. Then slipping inside…..mmmm

  3. In my opinion it’s seriously the best part of sex for me. I’m not really one to care if I finish or not cuz I really am always left satisfied either way. But the first stroke and the first few after always gives me kind of like a hot flash I guess hahaha idk I just get warm everywhere and usually it’s enough to make me sweat. Easily my favorite part lol

  4. As a woman, 100% I cannot wait until he slowly slides himself into me. I do prefer him to wait it out, though, making me desire his cock even more.

    I love the shared relief once he’s inside me. I like to see his face, hear his breath as he enters – knowing he wants to devour me, and I, wanting to be fully consumed. The fullness, a sense of bliss. Raaar

  5. I mean I do enjoy seeing my partner’s face when he enters me. But for me initial penetration is always a little bit uncomfortable.

  6. Oh, ha! I assumed you were a woman, because the feeling is identical to what you describe.

  7. It is definitely one of the best parts of sex for me. Especially if the foreplay has been long and I’m just desperate to fuck, it feels soooo good.

  8. For me it’s about the built up anticipation. If there’s been foreplay or sexting then I’m going to be amped up waiting for us to get down to business 😅 so it’s kind of like “FINALLY!!!” I guess

  9. As a woman, I agree. I do love to climax obviously but someone said it in the comments: the first bite of something you really want to eat especially when you’re hungry is probably the best bite until you finish the meal and feel satisfied. I think I also love that initial sensation of him filling me up with his cock. I love it. So I can relate

  10. When I was young, the initial penetration and climax happened at the same time. Round 2, here we go!

  11. I love it. I love the feeling of relief it gives, I love seeing him close his eyes and gasp a little because it feels so good to him too…it’s amazing.

  12. I’m a woman and omg you are right, it feels so other worldly! That initial penetration just feels so amazing, like pleasurable pain.

  13. There’s always a set of sounds during initial penetration that really gets me going. So yes. Full agree.

  14. I love when my husband slowly slides into me . I love it even more if he slowly rubs against my lips or my hole ..

  15. It’s the initial penetration followed by completely getting filled

  16. Oh, yeah, the sensation and pure intimacy of entering my wife of nearly 36 years still feels magical to us.

  17. There’s nothing like teasing her by rubbing my dick on her before I slide in, I always moan like crazy

  18. Easily my favorite part of sex it relieves all the tension that was built up to that point and the feeling itself gives me butterflies in my stomach

  19. We take great pleasure in the initial penetration. There’s always some moaning, grunting, swearing involved. We’re big on eye contact with each other and it’s a lethal combo. Something is just so primal and it’s only made better by loving that person.

  20. Always was like that with my ex and I. He initially penetrates me and boom nothing matters just that moment and the feelings we have for each other

  21. The anticipation and the slow stretching of so many nerve endings that ripple pleasure with every tiny movement to accommodate room.

    Also, what you’ve described. But that happens throughout sex for me. So I can’t single it out as the reason for initial penetration.

  22. For me it’s the noise my boyfriend makes. Like he’s come back to his favourite place. It’s really hot.

  23. Definitely.

    The sensation and build-up of getting filled is psychological for me (27F). It’s a possession of my body and a chance to give up total control.

  24. Yeah. When you so ready and it slowly stretches you open and fills you up. I don’t think I’ve ever been able to keep quiet as this happened with my husband.

  25. Absolutely! That first slow penetration then the following 3-5 pumps is fucking bliss…each one goes a lil deeper. Then that little pause right before shits about to get real! 😂😂😂

  26. I think part of it is because everything else in the universe seems to stop existing…even time itself…and there is only the two of you, living in a shared moment of bliss…even us chronic overthinkers can’t help but be completely lost in that beautiful, eternal “now”

  27. That anticipation is amazing. The breathing, looking at each other. For me as a woman, I am so turned on when I hear him sigh as he slides in slowly. I love it when he takes .5 seconds and just paused before it goes in. The feeling the tip has is sensational and always makes me moan/gasp. That first stroke, I could almost orgasm from. Hearing his reactions is the best.

  28. That first time when you feel your pussy open up and get filled by him is always the best goddamn feeling. 🤤

  29. Dopamine and oxytocin spikes are indiscriminate. You are already enjoying the anticipation and in a hightened state of arousal. Initial penetration makes contact between each other’s most sensitive areas of pleasure, and it’s really a feeling you can’t replicate on your own. For example, the warmth, hardness of a penis, and throbs of pleasure are some of the sensations that can be mimicked to near perfection in a dildo, but something just feels missing. Same think with a pocket pussy, you can heat it up, make it air tight, and pour a waterfall’s worth of lube in it, but something is missing.

    What’s missing is the bond you’ve developed with the other person. Whether it’s a passionate one night stand or a long-standing marriage filled with love and understanding, it’s a shared experience with someone else. That initial penetration is the culmination of all of those feelings and factors. That’s why it is the absolute best feeling.

    Thanks for listening to my Ted Talk lol 😂

  30. I can’t lie, I assumed you were a woman writing this until the end there. I could have written the exact same thing as a female

  31. As a woman, it’s definitely the initial opening up, feeling of being stretched, it’s magic. After a minute or so you get accustomed to the feeling (still feels heavenly) but the first parts of him slowly forcing himself into me, feeling every fibre of my walls stretch and open. Nothing beats it tbh.

  32. It feels so good, sometimes I just pull all the way out and slowly penetrate her just to feel it all over again

  33. It definitely is, and I think it’s just the pure *relief* after so much buildup and desire. And then finally, it’s *happening*, and the physical sensation is almost a bit unreal it’s so good. I mean, think of all the times you get horny but *don’t* have sex – it’s like your body is singing out in joy that you’re finally doing the thing it’s been screaming at you to do! I’m a woman, this is my take.

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