So I was talking to this guy I matched with a back in April and we talking pretty consistently for a few weeks when his end of the convo started dwindling until we just stopped talking. Well, for whatever reason, I decided to text him and see why about a week ago. I just heard back and he said he had been talking to someone and thought it was going to work out, but didn’t, and he doesn’t talk to multiple people at once. We gone back and forth the last few minutes, nothing big.

But I’m wondering if I’m crazy for even talking to him again…

  1. Maybe a lil for reaching out, but sounds like he’s being honest with you. Give it a whirl, but protect yourself at the same time. Go slow.

  2. I don’t think it’s crazy to talk to him again, he was being honorable. Maybe telling you at the time would have been nice but not necessary at that stage.

  3. “I matched with a back in April and we talking pretty consistently for a few weeks when his end of the convo started dwindling until we just stopped talking.”

    “Well, for whatever reason, I decided to text him…”

    “..he said he had been talking to someone and thought it was going to work out, but didn’t, and he doesn’t talk to multiple people at once.”

    “… I’m wondering if I’m crazy for even talking to him again…”

    Essentially, he stopped talking to you because he thought he found “the one” and when things didn’t work out, *he chose not to* get back in contact with you.

    You’re not crazy for seeking some type of “closure” if you felt that was needed on your end.

    However, if you allow yourself to forget he didn’t feel *you* were “relationship material” for *him* after talking consistently for weeks then you may be setting yourself up for a repeat event.

    Whether you continue to talk to him or not you should engage with and date other guys.

    If you were looking for a job, you wouldn’t stop sending out your resume just because you had a couple of great interviews with one company!

    Until an offer has been made and accepted both the company and the candidate are within their rights to interview with others. It should go without saying if you meet anyone who *maintains an active online dating profile* odds are *they are keeping their options open* and so should you!

    Contrary to what he told you *he was talking to you and someone else*. He just *chose her* over you.

    People who behave as if they are in an *exclusive relationship* when one does *not* exist are usually hurt the most if things don’t work out, they get rejected, or *ghosted* in the end.

    They allow themselves to become *emotionally invested* too quickly in people they barely know.

    Most people you meet don’t become dates, most dates don’t become relationships, and most relationships don’t lead to marriage. As one adage goes: “Many are called but few are chosen.”

    ***”Every time I thought I was being rejected from something good, I was actually being re-directed to something better.”*** – Steve Maraboli

    ***”Dating is primarily a numbers game…. People usually go through a lot of people to find good relationships. That’s just the way it is.”*** – Henry Cloud

    Best wishes!

  4. Were you escalating with him? At least for me I’ll let things dwindle if they aren’t putting in as much effort as I do. I try to prioritize dating and I’ll try to make plans if they reject those more than just a few times I lose interest and move on since I assume they aren’t interested.

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