Granted, I(26M) know you cannot know for sure what is in this woman’s mind. My success with women is bad(never had a single women physically be attracted to me or even flirt with me), so I am here seeking some insight. I am looking for some well thought out responses as to what you think this may be based on your own experiences, so don’t tell me ‘jUsT aSk hEr bRo’ because that’s impossible and not what I am looking for.

I have been frequenting this gym for about 5 years and this girl has been in it for about 3 years. For some odd reason, I began to notice her looking at me about a year ago. It wasn’t like full on stares though, and it was so vague I questioned if it was just me projecting what I wanted. However, with time it did become obvious. The interesting thing is, once I caught her looking at any particular day, she wouldn’t do it again. I would just continually catch her eyes but it only happened when we were very far apart. With time, I believed that it started dying down so I thought she ‘moved on’. I mean, I could never tell if she liked me, she only smiled once. Anyways, the other day I am squatting in front of a mirror which allows me full view of the entire gym. I see her from afar as she came up to grab paper towels to clean some equipment. I saw she looked at my direction for like 1.5 seconds or so and then moved on.

To me, the biggest question marks are, why would a girl suddenly develop a crush with someone she doesn’t even talk to after like 2 years of working out in the same gym and watching him for ages. At least, that is when I began to notice her looking from a distance and quickly looking away as if she was just looking around after I ‘caught’ her. We have had close distance eye contact, and we held it. One time(and only once!) I turned and caught her smiling but avoiding looking at me even when I was right in front of her. It could be she read something on her phone or maybe someone else behind us or something made a face and she thought it was funny, who knows. It’s obviously super weird for me, and I haven’t approached her because after sooo long, it just feels weird/off to randomly approach someone, especially when they don’t even give you clear interest signs. She is incredibly good looking and I… listen, I’m looking rough lmfao. I understand the whole beauty in the eye of the beholder bs but let’s be f\*cking real lmao. So I am wondering ladies, why would a girl look at me from afar like that? Could it be just coincidence? Could it be that I may weird her out and she just gets stuck looking at me. Something I want to quickly point out is that when she looks at me and I catch her, she will NOT look at me ever again for the remainder of the time we spent in the gym, so that’s even more puzzling. I have noticed her full out STARE in my general direction, but only when we are far away and my head faces a different direction(though my eyes are on her lol). That’s about the only time I have seen her nonstop look but then again, because the distance is great, she could be looking somewhere else. I look like shit so its highly unlikely she would develop a physical attraction. I even attached a picture here so you see for yourself. Let me know your thoughts as to this behavior and what you think it means. I don’t have much dating experience and have always resorted to hookers since I don’t attract female interest. Thank you!

  1. I’m almost 100% sure she is thinking the same with you. That maybe you’ve moved on, or your not interested even after all the eye contact.

    As vague as it is, women sometimes open up opportunities for others to approach them, such as eye contact. I know you’d like more, but consider her like how you’re thinking. “I’ve seen this guy looking at me but he never says hi or notices me beyond that. I guess he just doesn’t think I’m attractive.”

    If no one makes the first move, you’ll never know!!
    She’s opened up to you with eye contact (we don’t her reason though admittedly). Return the favor and open up conversation with her. “Hi, I’m ——-, I’ve been seeing you in this gym for some time, but never asked for name.” “Nice to meet you” and see where the future goes from there. If she’s comfortable with you she’ll continue looking and not shy away when y’all are closer.

  2. This post seems like you’re fishing for compliments lol. You’re definitely good looking

  3. You may be annoyed at people who tell you to just ask her, but how on earth can any of us tell you what SHE is thinking? I’m a woman, probably around the same age as her, but even I can’t tell you I know what’s in her head. Sure we can all speculate, but what good would that do? If you’re just here to speculate too that’s fine, but if your end goal is to ask her out, then you’d be wasting your time having a discussion about what she’s thinking about.

  4. I think there’s a good chance she may be interested but you should start greeting her in a friendly way the next time you make eye contact. Just a simple hi with a smile and nod/wave will do and you can gauge her reaction from that.

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