[serious] How do you become a more intelligent person?

  1. Interacting with people from different backgrounds, ages & so on. Engaging in critical thinking. Self reflection. Reading.

  2. By reading and exploring the world and taking classes and pursuing hobbies and talking to people–especially the people you wouldn’t ordinarily talk to. By listening to people.

  3. Variety. Read a decent amount about different topics from different sources. Listen to a range of podcasts. Watch several documentaries, all on fairly different topics. You’ll likely surprise yourself with the things you find interest in and some of the rabbit holes you’ll end up down. Engage in discussion with others.

  4. By reading mostly. If you’re wanting to converse about politics or something along that line, it helps to study both sides. Surround yourself with people who both have the same views as you, and who don’t. You can learn a ton that way. Being open minded has been huge for me and comes naturally. If you tend to be closed off and very matter of fact, you may come off as arrogant instead of intelligent.

  5. Interacting with different kinds of people and doing lots of research and reading in my downtime.

  6. For me I am very conscious of who I spend my time and energy on. I surround myself with people I admire. Keep a diverse group and try to understand others perspectives even if you don’t agree. There’s some thing to be learned in most situations.

  7. You cannot. Let me explain. Intelligence is a measurement for capacity, an “intelligent person” has an innate capacity to understand the information they are given, and then apply that information when they need it. Some people is “math intelligent”, some people is “art intelligent” and so on.

    Now, if you have the innate processing skills, what you need is to educate yourself, find the thing you are “intelligent” at and focus on that. What are your interests? What would you like to know more about? It could be anything from color theory applied to fashion to mechanics.

    Unfortunately, most people think intelligence= knowing a lot of facts about everything so they think if a person doesnt know math or science they are not intelligent.

  8. Read, listen to people, be observant, be curious, experience as much as you can,.. and be open.

    Open-mindedness is linked to intelligence… so train and learn to be open-minded.

  9. Technically, once you are an adult you cannot increase your intelligence. Your brain is fully grown and its capacity is set.

    However, you have capacity you aren’t using. You can read, learn about critical thinking, study music, study another language, do math, geometry, or physics problems. You can pick a subject or hobby to become knowledgeable about. Hobbies that aren’t thought of as intellectual, like gardening or fixing things, actually teach you a lot about biology or physics.

  10. READ. Every genre, multiple subjects. Watch documentaries that interest you, ask questions. Puzzles also keep your brain sharp!

  11. Read. Travel far and abroad. Find and seek self awareness. Understand your emotions and the concept of equanimity. Emotional intelligence is the foundation.

  12. What kind of intelligence do you mean?


  13. I once heard someone say “he doesn’t know what he doesn’t know” about a PhD student who used to waffle and bluster his way through answers because he refused to admit he didn’t know something. Know what you don’t know, and be comfortable acknowledging things that you don’t know.
    Intelligent people are always learning; emotionally, academically, life experiences, spiritual experiences- you name it. Be open to learning, other opinions, discourse with people outside of your normal interactions/culture/profession/age. Critical thinking, reading, diving deeper into a thing you really enjoy to learn more about it and it’s history. Being curious about the world around you and not just moving about with blinders on.

  14. Reading fiction and non fiction. Traveling, talking with people, learning a new language or a musical instrument

  15. Read more, gain more perspectives, avoid pop culture and judgmental social media, surround yourself with people who ask questions, ask questions yourself, look up the answers to your questions/thoughts instead of accepting you don’t know, etc.

  16. Interact with smarter people, learn about yourself and accept your own mistakes, try to be curious about things.

  17. doing math and solving problems is like working out your brain muscles, video games help too

  18. Read, ask questions, even question your own beliefs sometimes.
    Listen to learn not just to talk back, converse with people who have similar and also opposing views. Admit when you don’t know something or make a mistake.
    Know that everyone you meet has something you can learn from them.

  19. Not just reading but reading FICTION with the intention of understanding what the author was trying to say. What was Dostoyevsky trying to SAY with crime and punishment, and don’t just understand what he, or any writer, is trying to say but if it holds water, do you agree with it, do you disagree with it, why or why not?

    Soon this will extend into everything and you’ll have a deeper understanding of everything

    It has to be fiction books. If you don’t have the attention span, watch WELL REVIEWED films and not well reviewed by just anyone but films that have stood the test of time. Then start reading short stories by WELL RECEIVED writers.

    Stop reading non fiction. Stop demanding everything be spoon fed to you. Stop taking the opinions of others as fact.

    Above all form a sense of humour about things

  20. There is this organ. Its located in your head and they call it brain. Its trainable like a muscle which means if you use it often or say put it under pressure for some time, it will become more powerful and hence your intelligence will grow.

  21. Read books, keep on top of current events through credible news sources, listen to podcasts and audiobooks about things that interest you. Converse with people different from you.

  22. assuming this is intellect type of intelligence study various fields or specialize in one, train ur critical thinking skill, reading textbooks or something, and be open minded to new things or concepts

  23. Pick a topic that fascinates you and become an expert

    Find a problem that gives you pain and create a solution to it. You’ll gain so much intelligence (knowledge, critical thinking, social)

  24. Ohh and try to find people smarter than you to hang out with, and engage them on the aforementioned topics

  25. Instead of asking questions in your head, ask out loud. You never learn if you never speak up, and if you never speak up, you’ll never learn. If you don’t want to sound like a total dip and want to make light of it just start the questions with “this is probably gonna be a dumb question to ask you but (insert question)” or something like that. People seem to be more willing to teach you when they don’t feel like they’re being interrogated, so don’t be afraid to make light of something while asking for enlightenment.

  26. Read. A lot. Listen when people talk (I don’t mean obey or believe everything. I mean just sit there, hear them, & take in what they have to say).

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