What age were you when you first experienced perimenopause? What were your first systems?

  1. I was 49 when I started having very irregular periods. Hot flashes didn’t start til 50.

  2. Got pregnant with my youngest at 38. Started feeling bad physically. Was in shock when told I was pregnant. Couple of years went by after and periods started changing from what they’d always been. Was physical and mental changes for about maybe less than 10 years or so. Periods became unpredictable (in timing) and less. About 10 years later, hot flashes, mood swings, physical changes… then nothing, it was done. One big thing for me(which I really didn’t think about too much for years) was that I got really bad headaches before my monthly would start, and as a kid (even then). Headaches that would put me out of commission for awhile. After menopause, they miraculously stopped. Not a doctor, but know what probably happened for me. Have heard other women say the same thing about the phenomenon…Hormones had a lot to do with those headaches. Not enough study is done looking into this.

  3. Had a surprise pregnancy at 38 due to random ovulation, which ended in a retained miscarriage at 4 months.

    Ever since then, going on 5 years now, I’ve had hot flashes, night sweats, irregular cycle, mild depression, intense PMS and persistent loss of libido.

    I began HRT then added an antidepressant for a year, then dropped the antidepressant and am happy with the effects of HRT for my symptoms.
    HRT seems to have stopped my cycle completely, either that or I’ve entered menopause. I’m 42.

  4. At 42 ; lackluster orgasms and little ability to reach orgasm, irritable, insomnia, heart palpitations

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