Fat as fuck and looking for meal ideas to take to work so I can shift some of it by eating better

What do you take?

  1. Fruit, nuts, tinned fish, leftovers from dinner the night before, water, meal replacement shakes,

  2. I usually take what I’ve cooked the night before! I also have lots of nuts and healthy snacks with me otherwise it’s only biscuits and toast available in the staff room if I’m feeling peckish. If you like things like stir-fry (veggies, tastes good, filling) make half rice, half quinoa – quinoa has protein and is more filling.

  3. Not what I eat but a work colleague eats a handful of roasted nuts 2 eggs and about 4 to 5 inches of cucumber.

  4. I’m a meal prepper. I’ll make 3-4 servings of something on Sunday night, having some then and the rest throughout the week, then again on Wednesday. There’s lots of great recipes on Youtube that even post nutrient macros if you want to get really in to it.

  5. I’m not on a diet so much as trying to get back on track after a few months eating unhealthily for various reasons.

    I skip breakfast and then eat a proper meal at lunch. Usually leftovers from dinner. Then I have a banana with me just in case I get hungry, but I usually don’t. And I drink lots of water. And go for a walk at lunch.

    It’s a really effective way of shifting a bit of weight without really feeling on a diet. I still have a really tasty and good sized lunch, I’m just not surrounding it with an unhealthy breakfast and snacks throughout the day.

  6. Have an overnight yoghurt, so greek yoghurt, chia or pumpkin seeds or flaxseeds and some frozen berries. A wrap with chicken lettuce 1/2 avocado teaspoon of dip in it too, carrots or beetroot or celery or cucumber in a little pot to graze on, walnuts, a piece of fruit. It’s a pain to prepare, about 20 mins, but worth it because it’s all delicious.

    None of the dip or yoghurts are low fat. I just have smaller portions because the low fat have more sugar. Also mix up the wrap content.

  7. You want to make sure what you have is enjoyable and not a chore or you’ll fall out of the routine. I found I wasn’t eating enough protein so I wasn’t staying full for long enough. Whatever you like and can make quickly and easily will be best for you. And just make sure there’s enough protein in that and all your meals and you’ll find it easier

  8. I used to take a salad sandwich on brown bread with the tiniest bit of salad cream, two fruits and usually a yoghurt depending on my shift

  9. Leftovers.

    When I make tea I make 4-6 portions, we eat 2 for tea, then 2-4 go into the freezer.

    Then each morning I go into the office I pick a random frozen leftover box, and have a surprise lunch 🙂

  10. Easiest lunch – Tuna mayo. 4 slices of bread. Assemble at lunch time.

    Pasta salad, if i have the time to prepare, i can make 2 or 3 for the week. Then reosrt back to tuna mayo for the other days.

    Snacking is the killer. Busicuits. Crips, cakes etc. My brain is wired to have something sweet after any meal, so in goes the Mars bar or whatever.

    If you can break that habit, the weight will soon drop off…

  11. I lost 20lbs at the start of this year drinking 2.5 Liters of water, 400g of rice and chicken and a banana everyday..

    I then got sucked back into KFC lunches and Tesco Meal Deals and gained it all back rather quick but it worked for a bit!

  12. That rice in a bag microwave in 2 mins , various brands and flavours available. Put that in a microwavable pot, add steamed chicken , two dessert spoons of pesto, 1 spoon of water, stir it up and microwave at lunchtime. Other things are tuna and salad with a couple of boiled eggs, chicken pesto with salad or sometimes I do over night oats with plenty fruit and nuts in it. Soup is an excellent winter option, a few crackers to go with it, no bread and no butter!! Snacks are banana or nuts and a small yoghurt or fruit jelly pot for a lunch dessert. Plus the main secret, I go to the gym and then swim every day after work.

  13. Evert morning I make the following smoothie: 300mls pea protein milk, 1/4 cup porridge oats, banana, 1/4 cup berries, handful of nuts. Put it in a flask, and drink for lunch.

    3pm, I’ll eat some muffins I prepare on the Sunday (made in a batch of 10). Recipe:

    3 bananas

    1 egg beaten

    1 tbsp. vanilla extract

    1/4 cup of unsweetened peanut butter or almond butter

    2 cups wholemeal flour

    2 tsp of baking powder

    1/4 tspn salt

    3/4 cup oat milk

    1. Mash bananas in bowl.
    2. Add peanut butter, flour, baking powder, salt
    3. Mix until combined.
    4. Add egg, vanilla extract, and half the milk.
    5. Mix a bit.
    6. Put in rest of milk.
    7. Mix (by folding the mixture), put in muffin tray, then bake for 25(ish!) minutes.

  14. I think the key is to eat things you like but weigh out the portions (eapecially of things like mayo, cheese or salad dressings) so you’re not accidentally eating way too much. I usually have stuff like:

    Leftovers from tea the night before that are still nice warmed up e.g. chilli and rice, spag bol and pasta, lasagne, stir fry. I’ve been making teriyaki chicken with pak choi and taking half a microwave rice pouch to work too, which is really nice!

    Jacket potato with beans and cheese. I usually bake the potato at home the night before, reheat it in the microwave at work.

    Salad – usually mixed leaves, tomatoes, cucumber, peppers, carrot, celery then throw other things in like a type of meat (usually chicken or ham) or cheese, and take a little bit of salad dressing in a separate pot.

    Cous-cous or bulgur wheat salad is good too and more filling. This is a current favourite in my house with some chicken added – https://thehappyfoodie.co.uk/recipes/bulgar-wheat-salad-pligouri-salata/

    I always make my own fruit salad snack pots too, cheaper than buying them!

  15. Overnight oats for breakfast. Then pretty much live off protein shakes, cereal bars, a couple of bits of fruit and black coffee.

  16. I’m on a low-carb diet, currently (doctor’s orders), and generally trying to lose weight.

    I take a Huel shake to work (I actually have one for lunch every day), cut with a tablespoon of quality peanut butter for flavour. Takes 5 mins to slap together before leaving the house, and it’s great in summer as you drink it cold. Supplement with an apple if I get peckish.

  17. A proper meal, with slow release carbs so I’m not starving when I get home and tempted to eat badly in the evening. Usually something with wholewheat pasta or brown rice, a vegan protein source like tofu, beans/pulses or a meat sub and 2-3 different veg. Plus a sauce or flavouring I enjoy, it’s got to taste good or you won’t stick with it!

    I batch cook when I’m in the mood and fill the freezer so each morning I just grab a Tupperware and go, it’s defrosted enough to microwave by lunchtime.

    I have an ED so my weight is a constant struggle but when I’m coping ok and not having a flare up of my symptoms I tend to lose a kg every week or two.

  18. Meal prep
    will consist of meat, veggies, some sweet potato or rice. and then healthy snacks, protein shake.

  19. Huel is ok for work lunches. Quick and convenient. Maybe have a couple of pieces of fruit with it. Better than a meal deal and pretty cheap.

  20. I’m not on a diet but I like to eat healthy.

    I’ll normally have one of the below;
    • Leftover rice and chicken
    • Leftover chicken pasta
    • Cheese and lettuce sandwich
    • Cheese and chicken slices sandwich
    • Tuna and mayo sandwich

    Plus some fruit and sometimes a handful of nuts (usually almonds or cashews).

    If I forget my lunch or don’t make it, I’ll get a meal deal with the snack being the 20g protein yogurt pot, the drink being a 20g protein shake, and the sandwich being cheese & onion, egg & cress or tuna & sweetcorn usually.

  21. Hey OP. I hope this is the one thing you take from all these comments. Basically, to lose weight you just have to move more and/or eat less.

    So, you could hypothetically eat the exact same just maybe go for a 20 minute walk after eating instead of sitting, for example.

    Or, take the same food just 5/10% less of it. After a few months, and some lost weight, reduce the size again.

    Losing weight is so incredibly simple but people get trapped by fad diets and going too extreme too quickly and quitting. Small changes that are sustainable are the way to go.

    The ONLY change anyone should recommend as far as what you’re eating is increased fiber as it will increase satiety and staying away from fatty foods. Fat has 9 calories per gram whereas carbs + protein have 4 calories per gram. So, 100g of nuts = 900 calories whereas 100g of chicken breast would be 400 – obviously the water content of both doesn’t make this 100% accurate but you get the point.

    If you ever want more help feel free to pm me. I’m obsessed by health and fitness so have done my due diligence haha.

  22. I cook an extra piece of chicken breast. Take that in with a salad. Also take a pot full of greek yoghurt. Other than that day is filled with drinking black coffee and water.

  23. I work from home most days, but assume you mean when in the office! Home working obviously gives a bit more free reign for eggs on toast, or whatever.

    On office days, for breakfast I have a sistema yoghurt pot. So put greek yoghurt with honey in one bit and fruit and chopped nuts in the other.

    Alternatively, ryvita and philiadelphia (normally the salmon one). Fruit.

    Lunch, usually a salad – but with some Roasted peppers and chicken, and a cucumber, tomato, onion Salsa like thing (it was in a simply cook box, it’s basically all chopped small with a slightly spicy seasoning).

    Fruit, carrots and cucumber with maybe hummus or a bit of mayo with a flavouring.

    Apple slices – a little lemon juice stops them going brown and a sprinkle of cinnamon if you like it makes them seem sweeter.

    Sometimes crisps but I try and avoid bringing any snack food, or sweets.

    I’ll also occasionally add a cereal bar just in case but if it’s there it tends to get eaten…

  24. Meal prep. I usually make something really quick which is minded beef cooked in its own fat, loads of spices on it, add passata, let it brew for a bit and then add a bag of mixed veggies. Quick and pretty tasty

  25. Majority of the time people don’t get fat by what they eat but with how many calories they consume and what they drink.

    I was a fat fuck once upon a time and what worked for me was replacing Fizzy Pop/Juices for just water and replaced chocolate/crisps for healthier alternative snacks. Ate what I would usually eat but kept an eye on the amount of calories I was consuming and would do some cardio for 30 mins a day 5 days a week. I would still treat myself to a takeaway once a week.

    If you’re looking to shift weight I’d suggest doing the above but everyone’s different.

  26. I batch cook the majority of my meals on a Sunday. If I’m feeling particularly lazy it will be the same meals every day for a week. If I’m feeling slightly more energetic I might keep the same veg and mix up the protein or at least the seasoning. If I’m absolutely bored off my tits on a weekend I might make a variety of meals.

    One of the tricks I use is to make one too many meals for that week and throw the extra one in the freezer. After a couple of months I then have a selection of different meals available and can have a week or two off from cooking.

    I work 07:00-15:00, so I might only take a light breakfast and lunch to work. My evening meal is generally a little more substantial.

    To give you some examples. Last week I had a protein bar and a banana at breakfast and I made some Vietnamese prawn summer rolls for lunch. This week I have some wholewheat pitas with chicken sausage, scrambled egg, tomatoes and cheese.

    My evening meals are usually chicken or some form of lean protein and as many different coloured vegetables that I can fit on a plate whilst remaining under my daily calorie and carbohydrate goal. I make a lot of chilli and tomato based sauces. I still eat rice and pasta, but I’m more conscious of portion sizes.

    I tend to swap between regular pasta and protein pasta made from split peas just to swap up my macros. I also sometimes use a 1:1:1 ratio of whole grain rice, konjac rice and cauliflower rice, so I still get a filling portion, but with less than half the calories.

    I have lost 66lbs/30kg since January. The only exercise I have been doing is incidental stuff like walking on both of my breaks at work. I might do a longer walk on a weekend. I’m hoping to ramp this up soon. I have just been to see a sleep specialist about sleep apnea and have an appointment with a musculoskeletal consultant next week with regards to a knee injury that keeps flaring up.

  27. Intermittent fasting… only eat one meal a day In the evening, forget snacks and other meals throughout the day.
    Just drink water during the day.
    Will take 2 weeks of no energy and feeling sluggish, but after that your body will have adapted and you won’t want to go back to eating more than once. Now for me if I eat during the day it just makes me tired and sluggish.

  28. We have a microwave at my work and a toaster. I have poached eggs on brown bread with spinach every morning. I used to do kippers in the micro and have them with poached eggs instead of toast, but it made the place stink. At lunch, i have chicken salad wholegrain wraps. I make the wraps up in the morning. I always keep a bag of plain cashew nuts for snacking on.

  29. Pasta and chicken, or rice and chicken…one chicken fillet cut into pieces, plus some fruit to have either side of lunch at 10ish and 3ish, and water to drink.

  30. I lost weight by intermittent fasting, didn’t have to think about lunch. Skipped breakfast and had a grenade protein bar for lunch and then had dinner when i got home, usually a desert or yogurt after too. After a while you don’t miss lunch and actually I felt more energised, didn’t get the post lunch slump

  31. This might sound really rude but look into easy to prepare meals and learning to season well- a lot of Brits plainly don’t know how to cook food and so resort to unhealthy junk food or fatty meats to make up for the lack of flavour. Personally I pre-prepare steamed rice with butter and chilli flakes and put that with an assortment of things. Learning to make nice sauces to dribble ontop of stuff is also good. Prioritise filling foods and cut liquid calories (instead of three lattes, have one! Or diet fizzya instead of real fizzy) be mindful to always make space for a sweet or high calorie snack you love, don’t cut it out. Just have a smaller portion and savour it more.

  32. Tub of 0% fat Greek yogurt
    Berries ( raspberries/blueberries)
    Protein bar
    Cooked chicken/bagels
    These are my go to quick easy things to eat at work.

    When it comes to losing weight it really is as simple as calories in vs calories out. Track your calories find out how many calories you consume on average a day and reduce by 200/300 calories and keep a eye on the scales if not losing weight after a month reduce again by another 200cals.

    I was shocked when I counted I was eating 3000cals + it was just too much for my body and was only going to store the excess as fat, got my cals down to a comfortable 2500cals a day high protein and weight is slowly dropping off.

  33. Hey bud, I work 4 on, 4 off. Day before I go in I make a pot of Quorn chilli, 3 quid bag of Quorn, 1 onion, 1 tin of tomatoes, 1 tin of kidney beans. Cook it up and it lasts for the 4 shifts. I’ll add a bit of rice to bulk it up or some mixed frozen vegetables. Couple of poached eggs for breakfast on a sandwich thin from Aldi. Snacks, couple of boiled eggs.

  34. Best thing I find is buy some cheap digital scales, the calorie tracking on my fitness pal, use the suggested serving size for pasta & rice, packing your meals with veg and making sure you still eat some shit food every now & again.

  35. Just been avoiding Ultra processed foods. (Emulsifiers, or anything you wouldn’t find in your pantry), sugar, and seeds oils.

    Been losing weight and felt better for it.

  36. I work nights, and I just can’t eat without discomfort at 2am lol. I usually have carrots and humus at 1 and a banana at 5 just to keep me going.

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