(long vent ahead)

like can i just not do anything right? it seems like anytime i do something all he does is shits on it. i get excited about something and he immediately shoots it down like my excitement isn’t important.

he laid in bed all day playing video games (i get it, its his day off) and i baked a cake, and cooked breakfast and dinner (we just kinda snacked for lunch). i made a whole spread for breakfast with cut up fruit, homemade bread, croissants, cured salami, hashbrowns and eggs and i set it on the table and the first thing he says is “thats all for you?”, hes been making fun of me for eating more recently because im pregnant. no thanks or anything.

the cake is irrelevant because i mainly just made it to cool down from his earlier comments.

i made chorizo tacos with like an avocado salsa (onion, cilantro, lime juice, avocado and some green chile) and red onions i had pickled with corn tortillas. and they taste fine. i know i can cook, ive never had anyone else complain about my cooking but him. ive been a line cook for 4 years, i know how to make a f*cking taco.
the first thing he does after i bring him one js start complaining-

“the chorizo is mid” i bought it prepackaged.

“should of added another avocado to the salsa.” sorry i wanted to save the other avocado for breakfast tomorrow.

“pickled onions are for fish tacos.” then take them off????

“chorizo is too salty.” again, its prepackaged and tastes fine to me.

just straight up insulting me while he eats. then leaves me with a giant mess to clean up alone again.
am i going insane or is this extremely mean? and its every single day he does this to me.

TLDR- boyfriend complains about everything i do and nothing is ever up to his standards. am i crazy for being upset?

  1. You should be upset.

    He’s not going to be a fit partner to parent with. I’d start making plans on how you’re going to raise a child alone, because this jerk ain’t gonna do you any good.

  2. What did he say when you talked with him about his behavior and how it made you feel?

  3. Stop cooking for him. Stop doing anything he criticizes you about. If he still criticizes, leave him.

  4. I do a little dance and cheer any time my partner prepares even a small dish for me. Your boyfriend sounds really mean. Even if he’s in a bad mood there’s no reason to put you down or insult you

  5. Age difference – check
    He’s the only one working – check
    Pregnant – check

    Do I stay too much on the internet, and that’s why I instantly understood that he’s basically trapped her and is now trying to “reeducate” her to only do the things he wants? Like it’s basic manosphere shit…

  6. Why are you still with him?

    I’d be grateful for anyone to care about me like this.

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