I need help with something. I am a 29 m and i am talking to this woman a 24 f lets call her Jen who is acting weird. So we met eachother in work i was a contractor while she was an associate of the company. We would see eachother alot and both of us would go out of our way to see the other. It eventually turned into us flirting and i decided that i was going to ask her out. Unfortunately the contract of the company expired and they got a new company to do what we where doing. I got a better job with less hours and better pay so i took it instead of transferring to the company taking over. Jen and i exchanged numbers to stay in touch. I told her it was a shame that we arn’t going to see eachother that much l. She told me not to worry we will. So we started talking every day and i found out that we had allt in common and i told her that i like her and that we should go out sometimes she agreed. In the beginning she couldnt make it to dates because her grandmother was dying and she has to spend time with her family. I told her i understand. Then literally a week later her grandmother died. She was distraught, I told her i would be there for her. A week past and they just had the funeral yesterday. Today i asked her if she wanted to hang out to get her mind off of things. Since she was just alone at home i thought it would be a good time. Keep in mind this all happened in the span of a month. At least the stuff after the initial flirting.

Heres the thing that i don’t understand. With all the context she does this weird thing where we start talking and the she stops responding. Most of the time for the rest of the day. She doesn’t even tell me that she doesn’t feel like it she just stays silent. And then the next day i talk to her again and she responds immediately and then i suggest something small like a walk she doesn’t respond. I understand that she is grieving but i would like a response at the very least.

I don’t bring this up to her because i don’t want to seem insensitive about her situation. Up till now i have just accepted it. Saying to myself “Its fine shes just dealing with stuff”. Like during the funeral i didn’t bother her because she was with family.

I’m pretty sure i am blowing this out of proportion but i just need some advice as to what i should do?

Thank you for reading

  1. > I understand that she is grieving but i would like a response at the very least.


  2. I would give her space to grieve. She was clearly close to her grandmother and needs time to emotionally process that loss. I know I would be thinking of dating after losing a loved one for solid two weeks to a month. It’s hard man.

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