[Serious] Those of you that applied for a job in which you didn’t meet the requirements (or you atleast thought you were underqualified) how did it go? Do you still work there?

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  2. So I graduated with a Bachelor’s in Geology, I was doing housekeeping at a holiday inn. I responded to a job application for Fossil Preparator, during the interview I straight up told my future boss that I didn’t really know anything about dinosaurs and I didn’t have any experience cleaning bones. I said that I was a really patient person and I make pottery as a hobby. Basically two years later we were talking about “bad employees” and my boss told me

    “Every time I’ve hired someone with a lot of experience, they just don’t work out here”

    So basically me being artistic and patient and having no experience is what got me the job.🤣 I’m still working there and I just feel really lucky to be able to do what I do

  3. I applied for the next level in my company, essentially going from managing one account to overseeing ten account managers. My current boss’s role was being duplicated to accommodate our massive portfolio growth.

    I had no business being in that interview, but I dressed in a sharp suit and nailed it. Blew everyone away. The position went to someone else, but the general manager offered me another role. I panicked and backed off.

    I no longer work there.

  4. When I was 14 a farmer took me in the middle of a wheat field and asked me if I could drive a 5 speed split axel dump truck. “of course I can” I already knew how to drive a stick so it took me 10 minutes to figure it out. I must of drove that thing 100 times to the grain elevator and back.

  5. Went well. I still work there and while the job is challenging, it’s not nearly as hard as I thought it would be. It does have a very high learning curve so even though I started in November I’m still learning a lot, but I like it.

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