I just went to a brewery this weekend to see a friend and I had to drive to get to it. It kinda sucked because I couldn’t really drink. This got me thinking about how whenever I go to a bar, I walk so I can have a few drinks. Those of you that drink, but can’t walk to a bar (I’m assuming most of you), do you just do Uber? Or do you plan a DD? Isnt it kind of annoying to have to plan stuff like that?

  1. Usually if I plan on drinking out of the house, I go out with my wife and some pals. She’s a teetotaler, so is always the DD when we go out. If she’s not available and I feel like going to a bar, I can walk to a local sushi place that has sake, or I can take a bus for fifteen minutes to go to a more downtown area that has bars and restaurants that I can easily walk.

  2. I don’t drink much, so I’m probably only going to have one beer. On the rare occasion that I might have 2, I will hang out for a couple hours. Most of the breweries around me have flights with small glasses, so I can still try a few varieties without having an excess amount of alcohol if I want to do that.

  3. Everyplace is walking distance if you’ve got the time. It would take me about 4 hours to walk to one. Driving while impaired is one of those things we don’t like to admit happens absolutely all of the time.

  4. Not really. The nearest bars are a few miles away. I don’t drink much and I’m not even 21 so it’s not a problem.

  5. About 5 within a 15 minute walk and if I want to go further I’ll take a bus or train

  6. There’s a smoking/locals only bar, winery, four restaurants with bar seating, and a rooftop bar all on my street.

    A brewery/distillery/food hall combo 2 blocks away. A tap house 4 blocks away.

    So yes. While we sometimes pony up and Uber to somewhere in Indianapolis, having so many options to grab drinks basically outside our door makes it hard to justify. And we’re more of 11pm-1am people nowadays when we go out than 2-3am.

  7. I do live in a place with many bars and breweries within walking distance. I’ve got neighborhood dive bars to award-winning cocktail bars nearby, as well as 4-5 breweries/taprooms.

    If I’m driving someplace where I’ll be drinking, I limit myself to 2 drinks and have them earlier in the event and then switch to water.

  8. I’m a very slow drinker, so by the time I’ve had two beers, I’ve probably been sitting there for 3 hours. More than comfortable driving home after that

  9. I can walk to two local dive bars in under 5 minutes. Then there’s probably about 15-20 more options if I drive or uber for 10 minutes.

    Almost all of my bar going is stopping for a few on the way home from work in the car. If I’m going downtown for a nice dinner, I’ll uber down because it’s it costs about the same as parking anyway, and then maybe I can push the drinks a bit further and not worry about it.

  10. Uber. It’s no less annoying than planning to walk. I literally just poke my phone until someone drives me wherever I want to go

  11. My wife and I can walk to several.

    We moved from a suburb to an area closer to downtown. Just a total lifestyle chance–and for the better.

  12. I can, but not one I want to hang out in. I don’t get shitfaced anymore and stay to one drink per hour. If I’m going to get drunk, I’ll get an Uber.

  13. Maybe 2 hours, but I wouldn’t want to walk, I’d just drive and drive home when I sober up, or have a DD. I don’t drink like that though so not an issue for me.

  14. I only go to bars when I’m on a work trip or traveling, and I’m usually within walking distance in those instances. To answer the question, there are no bars within walking distance though there is a pizza place with a few taps.

  15. Not where I live now, but it was easy enough to do in college and a beach resort town where I lived for several years.

  16. When I go to bars that aren’t walking distance I either bus or Uber. Never planned a DD, everyone always finds their own way home. It’s never been annoying, but Uber/bus also doesn’t really require planning. The most planning I’d have to do is paying attention to when the last bus leaves, but I don’t usually even do that because if I miss the last bus, Uber is always a backup.

  17. I have about a half dozen bars within a 10 minute walk of me. I don’t really like any of them, though.

  18. Yeah, I live three blocks from one. It kinda sucks though, so if I go to a bar, it’s almost always one that’s further away.

  19. I just drink at home. It’s more comfortable and the drinks are cheaper. My roommate is a former bartender so the two of us have gotten pretty good at mixing up drinks just the way we like them. I’ve got a pot full of mint in the backyard that is earmarked for mojitos.

    I’ll occasionally go out to a place to try the beers on tap. But, that’s usually only one or two drinks with dinner. Drink a beer and then wait an hour or so while you eat dinner and it’s out of your system. If anyone in the group wants to drink more than that, there’s usually at least one person who either isn’t drinking or only wants the one drink (usually me). We’ll confirm who the planned driver is before we start drinking more than that one drink before a meal. If *everyone* really wants to drink more, we swing by the liquor store on the way home. The vast majority of drinking is done where we plan to spend the night.

  20. I could walk to a bar if I wanted to cross a 5-lane road.

    If I go to a bar, I drive so that I can get to a better bar.

  21. At first I read that as “Can you walk into a bar?” I wasn’t sure if I can because I’m not a priest, a rabbi, or a minister.

  22. > Isnt it kind of annoying to have to plan stuff like that?

    Annoying? Yeah, I suppose, when you’re doing the planning.

    But when you’re in a good mood after a fun night’s drinking, it’s kinda worth it. Nothing quite like getting a personal chauffeur to your doorstep when you’re smashed.

  23. A few of them, yeah. Not that it is pleasant to do so in this season.

    Also… A lot more people drink and drive than you seem ready to accept. Not like, absolutely smashed, but a few drinks happens a lot.

  24. We are a 15-20 minute walk from a really nice brewery with great good and a couple bars. We normally drive, though, and one of us either only has one or doesn’t drink at all. We also have basically a bar in our basement so we just do that if the urge hits.

  25. DUI is a really big issue in some states. Opinions on drinking and driving are wildly different in different parts of the country.

    It is annoying. My husband and I switch off. Like we had a 4th of July party yesterday with his family. I got to drink, he didn’t drink.

  26. I can walk to a bar from my house. Now that bar is also a strip club so I *shouldn’t* walk to it, but I could if I was so inclined

  27. There is a bar in my town like less than a mile. Im 18 so i dont actually go there

  28. Closest one is about a 40 minute walk, but that’s a 5 minute drive. I’ll only drink enough to get tipsy or drunk when I’m at my own house, someone else’s house, or if someone else is driving. It’s too expensive to get drunk at a bar, anyway.

  29. Uber or “DD” but really there’s a 50/50 chance the DD drinks and drives. Yes it is very annoying, I wish we had a proper metro system.

  30. Yep! I can walk to 6 bars within 5 minutes, and another one in about 15, and another 3 in about 15-20. Other neighborhood dads and I routinely meet up for Saturday night beers and sports at one spot in particular quite often; I consider it my favorite bar in the world. Owned by the same family for 47 years, well-maintained pool tables and a good jukebox, and PBR pitchers are still $9.

    Admittedly part of the reason I decided to move back to my childhood neighborhood is that it had become even livelier than it used to be. I feel very fortunate to have been back here for 9 years now.

    EDIT: Since I drove home drunk at 1 AM with my lights off 8 years ago and realized what could have happened, I also keep to a very strict 2-beer, 90-minute limit when I meet friends and I’m driving. Uber or a taxi are a hell of a lot cheaper than whatever comes with a DUI

  31. I live next door to a bar. But I go to another one 7 minutes down the road. Never have anything more than ,2 beers though.

  32. I always walk or take the subway, but I live in NYC, where things are closer together (mostly) and we have public transportation.

  33. I live in NYC so the concept of drunk driving is completely foreign to me…as is the concept of driving

  34. It’s pretty easy to drink without getting drunk.

    Pace yourself. A beer or two a hour.

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