Is that meant to be a legitimate question, or is it a shot at your masculinity because she didn’t like being rejected? I’ll gladly talk to anyone, and make it clear that I’m married and not looking to hook up, but that doesn’t seem to matter. If you refuse to break your wedding vows, and aren’t a caveman, does that automatically mean you’re gay? This has repeatedly happened to me, even while traveling overseas.

  1. >or is it a shot at your masculinity

    Obviously, yes.

    And the correct answer is always, “Not until I saw your face!”

  2. That’s just a manipulation tactic. Ignore that shit.


    The only proposition I ever got at a bar was some lady flopping her tits on top of it while asking me to buy her a drink. Then when I ordered two drinks she thought she had me. My buddy grabbed the other drink and we walked off so she said “hey where’s my drink!”, “It’s still at the bar!”

  3. Three times, the third falsely accused me of sexual assault in the bar after I “rudely” declined to buy her a drink too as well as rejecting her and I was lucky the bar had cameras, but APD too a few days to ever look at the video so I sat in lockup.

    Spoken more in-depth about it in earlier posts if you absolutely want to venture more into the story.

  4. Have had that happen. I go to bars to hang out with my friends. Have declined a few times. Each time the girl either got pissed or asked if I was gay.

  5. That has only happened to me twice in all my years. My response simply was “I am about as gay as you are ugly, I am married”.

  6. Generally a way to take a shot at your masculinity.

    Other circumstances can be varied.

    For example: a woman I liked from the military back in the day had come back from overseas where they had been bombarded. Was a good friend, flirting and all that. Wanted me over to keep her company and safe during the 4th of July. So was over at her place then as a friend, and got asked later why if I was gay because I didn’t try anything in bed that night (Kinda dense I know). Talked to her and explained that, that wasn’t the reasoning why she had me over that night so all I figured I was there to keep her safe as a friend.

    That being said, the situation determines it mostly. The situation you had is very much you hurt their ego.

  7. Never been asked if I was gay, but I have been given the stink eye and insulted by a couple women who were obviously drunk.

  8. Half the time I just say I have a boyfriend to beat them to the punch. Completely disarms them.You can usually tell how there going to react… otherwise I’m just nice and say I’m already seeing someone.

  9. *”Guys, when you get propositioned by a woman at a bar, and you politely, decline, has she ever asked if you were gay?”*

    I’ll let you know when it happens.

  10. I don’t get propositioned at a bar, I’m not attractive enough

  11. Not a bar person, but I have a talent at being weird enough to be off-putting to people. I treat them like they’re screwing with me.

    “Hey hun, wanna take a walk with me?”

    “Sure. I can explain the difference between power pentodes and beam tetrodes.”

    “Uhmm, hold on, my sister is calling me. It was nice talking to you.”


  12. Oh yeah all the time. You think men have egos? Try rejecting a lady who thinks she is hot shit lol you’re gay instantly and then she’ll tell all her friends that as well

  13. It is both. People have their prejudices and it kinda messed with their beliefs of men when one doesn’t take any sex they are offered. I’ve seen coworkers brains shut down just by telling them I’m not interested in women or sex anymore. At least two of my previous girlfriends originally thought I was gay because I showed no interest in them until I knew them better.

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