I just got a reminder as to why women hate getting approached in public places, even when it is just to say something nice.

I was at the supermarket, and a guy walked by and complimented my tattoo, and asked if it hurt much. I told him no, it’s not a sensitive area, and he just strolled on, saying “well it looks really cool, you have a sexy look”. It felt nice to be complimented and I thanked him and thought that was the end if it.
This man then proceeded to follow me around the store, with occasional “hey baby”s or “so sexy”s
He got in line at the aisle next to me and waited so he could follow me out to the parking lot. I walked to the cart stall where a kid was gathering carts to bring in and waited for the guy to get in his car and drive away because I didn’t even want him to see what car I was driving.

I’m 42F, not wearing makeup, dressed in boring leggings and a tank top, nothing alluring. This is just life as an average woman.

Men can be scary

  1. Some men can be scary, not all. Definitely he’s a nut case but you handled yourself well…

  2. Guys is a creep but picking up women in this era can be very difficult for men.

    Approaching strangers in public? Creepy. Asking out a coworker? Harassment. Asking out a friend who is a girl? Ruined the friendship, only befriended me for sex.

    Dating apps are the safest bet, but for the average looking man it isn’t a viable option.

  3. Fucking.


    Though I think this speaks less to “women don’t want to be approached” and more “women don’t want to be stalked” which yes. Don’t do what this guy did. Ever.

  4. If he was interested he should have just gone “Hey, would you like to go for a drink or something?” After the first compliment and if you said no, then leave it there. Leering at you for the rest of the trip was just weird and creepy.

  5. I get if you both got out the supermarket the same time and go different ways but actually waiting for you is just a massive red flag, as a guy i have no idea how other guys can do that and feel good about themselves, hope your all good though

  6. I am 30M and have always been hesitant to approach a woman at a grocery store… this is basically why. I don’t want to scare anyone and I already get told, on a regular basis, that I’m intimidating…
    The guy was cringe, but it also isn’t giving me any hope…

  7. Flirting at the grocery store is such a bad idea IMO but then following you to your car is horrible. I’m sorry you experienced that type of behavior.

  8. Reading this makes me sick to my stomach. I’m a divorced 54 year old man who is probably going to start dating again soon. I can’t imagine ever treating a woman this way. It horrifies me to think my two daughters will experience this more than I will ever know. It is no wonder that women are so cautious and guarded around men. If you are treated that way on a trip to the grocery store, I can’t imagine what it is like in a social setting. What you were wearing is irrelevant if you ask me.

    If a woman behaved this way toward me, I would be concerned. But as a man, I am not concerned about my physical safety.

  9. Most men are too shy to approach and talk to a pretty woman in a grocery store. A well-intentioned outgoing confident guy *could* muster it up, but statistically most nice nice dudes would want to start up a conversation, but would find it too hard.

  10. thats not really why. that’s obviously a really creepy dude. if men talked to us like human beings and werent creepy, it wouldnt be an issue lol

  11. As a man with social anxiety, I just don’t get this. I thought my way of approaching women was bad lol (give compliment and run away)

  12. Was it the stalking and weird comments that made him creepy or was it the fact that he approached you at all that was creepy?

  13. Approaching is totally fine. This creep stalked you! That’s something totally different. I live being approached, I just don’t want to be stalked.

  14. I don’t go out really often in France but when I was in Morocco for two months. The experience with men was horrible. The way they can’t take a no and would stalk or harass me.

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