As the title states I (F19) am completely happy and settled in my relationship with my boyfriend (M21). I do not feel like I personally need to have a female relationship to confirm my sexuality, I’ve kissed women previously and have identified as bisexual since I was 13/14. I just have never been in a place to date a woman. I’ve personally found it easier to have relationships with men. But my post comes about as a mutual friend of my friendship group (F19) told me at a party recently that I am not bisexual if I never have a relationship with a woman. I am extremely content with my boyfriend and we are both in belief that this is our final relationship. Is this friend correct in her opinion or is it just that her opinion? I’ve always felt very validated by my sexuality and identity and the LGBTQ community and support so to lose that would be heartbreaking.
Thank you in advance

  1. I feel like the only people who tell you this are people of the same sex who want to get in your pants.

  2. This is not a black and white thing. You can be attracted to both sexes, but more to men.

    You really do not need to prove anything to anyone. What is with this “identification” as lgbtq? Whether you “identify” as bi or not does not change who you are as a person and you shouldn’t make yourself about that.

  3. Your friend is an idiot. By that logic, everyone is asexual until they start dating.

    You don’t need to have a relationship with someone to know you’re attracted to them. Your sexuality is your own and other people don’t get to define how you identify.

  4. I’m sorry but nothing about your post sounds like you’re 100% ready to settle down at the age of 19… The sub context of everything that you wrote sounds like you’re very very much want to try it with a woman. You’re definitely bisexual and you don’t need anybody to tell you otherwise what you really need to think about is that if you’re ready to settle down at the age of 19, Will you be always thinking about what it’s like to be with a woman?
    Please let me know if I’m wrong

  5. If you were heterosexual but had never had a bf would she say that you’re not truly heterosexual? Umm, no.

  6. Okay, for how long have your “friend” been aiming for your pussy?

    Because, there are only two alternatives – either she’s the one who’s stupid or both of you (you for even entertaining her blabbering).

  7. you can be bi and lean to one side or the other but at the same time who cares what people label you as be happy knowing who you are and being comfortable

  8. Your friend is an idiot. Last I checked there wasn’t a dating requirement for sexuality.

  9. This is not true, miss. So what if you haven’t dated a woman. You find them attractive but are currently with your BF. Are you happy with your life? If so, who cares what others think. You’re still young, enjoy your life the way you see fit. Best of luck to you.

  10. Don’t listen to her, if anything she’s trying to plant a few seeds of doubt into your relationship.

    Best to just ignore her and focus on yourself and your relationship.

  11. As a lesbian woman, you are completely valid and her opinion is horseshit.

  12. No it’s not true. So your friend believes it is impossible to be a faithful partner and be bisexual?

    Isn’t that the source of all the bisexual bigotry?

  13. What make you think you are bi? Are you identify yourself like that to look cool, and for social acceptance?

    A lot of people dream to have a happy & contend relation like you. Whatever you do, don’t be the idiot that destroy your own happiness.

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