I \[42M\] have been with my girlfriend, Lilith \[25F\] for a year now and have known her for two, and our relationship is quite serious at this point. I love her, and I want her to meet my family (and she is keen on this as well), but I do feel a bit of anxiety over whether they’ll be kind about the difference in our ages. Neither of us have ever had a serious relationship before (yes, I know that this is rather bizarre, given my age), so we aren’t entirely certain how best to navigate this smoothly. I love my family, but they do tend to be quite eager to criticize, so I would like to know if it would be best to tell them this upfront, or if it would probably not do any good. Thank you for your help.

TLDR: My girlfriend and I have a 17 year age gap and I want to know if it would be best to tell my family that before she meets them or not.

  1. This feels like age gap rage bait.

    On the off chance that it isn’t, can you explain why springing it on them in person would be a sensible or kind thing to do?

  2. If you make it a “thing” before they even meet her, that’s establishing it as a “thing.” Just introduce them to her and if they have questions later, you can answer them. Don’t make it out to be bigger than it actually is. You’re both adults and if you love each other that’s really all there is to say.

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