**TL:DR**: Everyone is you, and you are a future god. If you are reading this, you are time travelling.


As a first-gen immigrant kid, I was bullied growing up because I had a stutter and that my parents got an ugly divorce widely known in our small town. I was extremely quiet and introverted, known as “that weird kid”.

Things didn’t get better into my adulthood. I had terrible relationships with people around me, even those who want to care about me. I’d be fuming when I see my friends fare better than I did in life, especially when they show off on social media. I have this cynical and negative attitude about just everything that happens in my life and in the world. I hated myself. I hated everyone. I hated this world.

Then I stumbled upon this video called “The Egg” last year (Please go watch it if you haven’t, search “the egg” on youtube and you’ll see).

I know, it’s sci-fi, a theory on what life is, what happens after we die and the meaning of life, but it had so much impact on me. It says that every time you die, you incarnate into someone else in this world, and this cycle won’t stop until you live through every single person’s life in this world and experience what everyone has ever experienced in the universe. After that, you become god.

So basically: everyone is me, and I am god material.

I was mind-blown. I’ve read here and there about the concept of reincarnation and just took it as part of some religion I’ll never dig deep into or some false reports sporadically around the world. But now I WANT TO BELIEVE IT. This version.

Because this theory kind of makes sense? Because it feels good about being a “potential god”? Because no matter how well other people are doing in life, that’s all me? Like Elon Musk being the richest person in this world, that’s also me?!

I don’t know exactly why.

What I know is that this theory puts me at ease. I want to treat people well and I want people to treat me well. But when they don’t, that’s just another version of imperfect me being silly and naive. And that’s part of the process of becoming a god, an assignment on the giver’s end and on the taker’s end at the same time. Slowly, I started to forgive others, and in turn, forgive myself. This theory gives me a tool, a perspective to handle whatever situation in life.

I also want to feel that I’m part of something bigger, divine, instead of being a nobody living this paycheck-to-paycheck, Netflix show-to-another Netflix show, day-after-day life. What if, at the end of this bland, insignificant, silent life, awaits a who-knows-what exciting adventure, and hundreds of billions of other adventures following that, all in different shapes, forms and tastes. All these lives will one day feed into a magnificent, yet serene culmination, a one. Yeah I might be fantasizing and being delusional, but this is beautiful, isn’t it? This gives me hope and purpose.

So now, me writing this post for random internet wanderers like you to read, is literally the future you writing a letter to your current self. Time travel right there.

**And the message of this letter**:

Be kind to others. Be kind to yourself. This is temporary. There is hope. You are worthy. There is greatness in you.

1 comment
  1. Thank you for the video suggestion, I just watched it and it’s super powerful! I dig the perspective

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