I’m a 24 year old male, and I have always been attracted to older women. I’ve only ever dated women at least 10 years older than me, and I find them far more appealing both physically and emotionally than women my own age, is this normal??

  1. I used to date older women all through my 20s, now I’m 32 and dating a girl slightly younger. You’ll probably prefer the same age range for a long time, even once you’re that age, if you’re still dating then.

  2. I’m the same way with guys, I’m 24 & my boyfriend is 34. My bf before was older as well..I don’t think it’s abnormal so to say at all. We all have our preference and as long as it’s two consenting adults it’s all good I think.

  3. As a woman In my mid 30s Im a lot more confident about my self, and I think physically better than I was in my 20s.

  4. Please don’t feel bad. I’m a woman in her 60s who has always preferred younger men. But I don’t worry or care about what others think about it.

  5. You’re the same age as my bf. I will be 47 on Thursday. Tbf he thought he was at most 10 years younger than me. I’m 22 years older. I don’t think it’s the norm for most people. We are both happy and neither one cares what anyone says. It’s a relationship not a group project. If that’s your thing knock yourself out.

  6. What’s even “normal” anyways? I’m a 51(f) and have recently discovered I much prefer much younger men and many of them have shown lots of interest so there are certainly enough of you out there.

  7. Older women can present more sexual experience, as well as being more maturity. There’s nothing wrong with it. My bf of a few years I’d 8 years younger than me and it’s honestly been the best relationship I’ve had. It has its challenges but he’s definitely come along way since we met.

  8. My life has abruptly changed so much, normal is a day to day thing.

    If you’re happy and healthy, that’s all that matters! Enjoy your life.

  9. Better than being attracted to younger women lol. It’s normal bro

    I’m the same way

  10. I prefer slightly younger men, when in the past they didn’t interest me much in high school or college. Attraction is weird like that. There’s diversity in people’s tastes, as long as everyone is legal, consents, and safe/not taken advantage of, there is no “not normal” imo. It might be more unusual for men to like older women. But as 30 something woman who likes the odd mid to late twenties man well, we’re glad to get a chance 😉

  11. I felt that way. Then I hit my thirties, and it pulled a reversal on me. You like what you like, bro. Unless you’re disrespectful about it or it’s kids, it really doesn’t matter. Just be yourself.

  12. I’m 25m and recently went on a date with a 29f. I don’t have much experience with older women but after going out with her I can see why some guys prefer them.

    She was just so confident, elegant, classy and had a great sense of humour. Not to mention she was also OUT of my league gorgeous.

    Unfortunately the romantic chemistry wasn’t there at all so I won’t see her again. But let’s just say I’ve increased my upper age limit since going out with her. If she was anything to go by, older women are definitely worth a consideration.

  13. You are your own person. If it’s what you prefer then it’s your normal.

  14. Same, my friend. I don’t know why, but my relationships feel amazing, and last longer when I’m with older women. I’ve been with women up to 10 years older than me, for about 10 years now and I have no regrets (besides moving states, but I technically had no control over that).

  15. Yes.
    Im 26 dating a woman in her early 40s and its literally fucking awesome. Intense crazy sex.

  16. I am 35 and sleeping with a 46 year old woman. I’d say it’s quite normal.

  17. I’m 48, sure I have more weight on me as compared to when I was in my 20’s, BUT I’m experienced now and more open and carefree. I can certainly see why younger men hit on me.

  18. I’m 49f and my last two relationships have been with men 10 years younger… both lasted over 4 years each. I don’t think there’s inherently anything wrong with the age gap. But some older women (not all) still want the serious relationship and not the sex romp from a virile young stud. If you want kids someday…make sure the older woman you are with knows that so she isn’t blindsided 4 years later with a breakup because of ‘different life phases’.

  19. It’s normal. Older women have certain charms that younger women don’t have.

  20. Very very normal mate, there heaps of us out there that prefer the ladies older, you’re quite normal.

  21. I’m only attracted to younger men, so…

    My FWB of 4 years is 20 years my junior. We are both very happy.

    You do you.

  22. Yes you’d be surprised how many young men like older women . I’m 28 and I have men as young as 18 trying to talk to me

  23. Absolutely normal and older women are so much easier to love and e loved by!

  24. It’s normal in the sense that there are many men and women who prefer this dynamic. That said, unfortunately, an older woman dating a younger man still carries more stigma than the reverse. People don’t bat much of an eyelash if an older man – within reason – is dating a younger woman. But for some reason, as a society we don’t extend the same acceptance when an older woman gets involved with a younger man. Which is all to say that if you and the woman are both consenting to the relationship, then that’s all that matters.

  25. 45F and consistently have better dating experiences with younger men. Ask an older woman out… Some can’t get past the idea in their head, but one of us will say yes if you ask.

  26. Yes, it’s perfectly normal and acceptable. Don’t listen to anyone that says it isn’t.

  27. I think it’s normal.. I’m 33 and younger guys love me and it’s confusing for me because the men my age run after younger girls so I assume the younger guys would be chasing girls their age too but they aren’t lol

  28. I am early 50’s and more attracted to men who are 35-45. My last two relationships where with men much younger than me.

    But now I’m not as confident so I’m single. I’m just not attracted to men my age.

  29. I’ve always dated women who were older. In my mid-20’s I dated mostly women in their early 40’s. It started out as a physical thing but I realized later that it was more than that. I’ve never wanted kids of my own. I prefer to have the freedom to travel and pursue my career. I found that most of these women (who had already been married and had children) were in the same position as me. I’m 45 now land my girlfriend is 50. It’s the same situation, her children are grown and she wants to travel and live her life.

  30. dreuv1972 that’s exactly what I told OP. Older women are typically more independent, assertive, confident, and very very direct with what they want and how they want it. If he finds a woman who won’t play games it can be amazing because he’ll always be clued into what she wants. That’s something I look for in a woman and have typically found that more in older women which is why I’ve switched and have started dating older women myself.

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