Looking for suggestions or inspiration! I’m sick of toast or cereal, don’t like porridge/overnight oats, but need something quick, filling, and vaguely healthy in the mornings. What is everyone eating?!

  1. 4 wheetabix topped with fried fruit, nuts, seeds and fresh fruit

    Yoghurt with the same

    Occasionally a cooked breakfast such as an omelette or scrambled eggs with various toppings/accompaniments

    Usually 4 hours after waking

    I try to get 3/4 pieces of fruit in by lunch, then the rest of the day is vegetables on the green front

  2. A slice of continental style cheese and a slice of continental style ham from Lidl, with toast. Real orange juice, tea.

  3. Fat free Greek Yogurt, Lidl Protein Honey Granola Blueberries and Strawberries with a green tea

    Lovely stuff

  4. Toast and cereal here, except the one day a week I’m in the office. I’ll grab a tesco meal deal that day. Been though lots of breakfast formats over the last few years.

  5. Usually a smoothie. I just made one that consists of 250ml semi skimmed milk, strawberry protein powder (24g of protein), 40 grams of oats and a frozen smoothie berry pack. It’s delicious.

  6. I like to mix it up.

    So usually one of three:

    Yoghurt with muesli, honey, ground nuts, and some seeds, with a piece of chopped fresh fruit.

    Fish, slice of toast, spinach, piece of fruit.

    Eggs, tomato, mozzerella, slice of toast, piece of fruit.

    Been known to just have 4 poached eggs on toast before now mind.

    Always have a mug of coffee.

    This is pretty much as soon as I get up, showered, and dressed.

  7. A slice of toasted sourdough mash some avacado in a bowl add Himalayan salt pepper and some quality extra virgin olive oil mix it together top the toast with it add a couple slices of great mozzarella cheese and sprinkle some hot paprika on top it’s 🔥

    Or some organic yogurt with organic blueberries and a good lashing of organic honey and a good sprinkle of smashed nuts and chia 🙌🏻

  8. My wife things I’m strange, but I just eat any food. Like a bit of pasta or whatever is leftover. Had a bit of lasagne the other day. Kept me full all morning! Went through a stage of having sandwiches for breakfast like cheese and ham or coronation chicken

  9. 1 egg and a splash of milk, whisk in a mug and microwave for 1 minute (stir halfway, and away from yourself in case it pops). Makes a little round of egg that’s perfect in a muffin or bagel

  10. Scrambled eggs and grilled tomatoes on buttered wholemeal bread. Blooming lovely.

  11. Sometimes I make noodles (mostly udon with miso soup and some vegetables )

  12. A line of coke to wake me up.
    A diazepam to calm me down.
    A Prozac so I don’t kill myself.
    A few espresso shots to poop.

    Finished off with a green smoothie with some spirulina powder to get in a few portions of my 5 a day.

  13. Apart from toast and cereal I like to vary it with things like beans on toast (beans done in the microwave), egg on toast, vegetarian sausage sandwich or vegetarian fry-up, croissants or pain au chocolat. Very occasionally I used to have a kipper.

  14. Make an extra portion of your main meal the night before, pop in microwave for few minutes in morning, breakfast sorted.

  15. Marmite on toast

    Honey on toast

    Scrambled eggs on toast

    Beans n sausages on toast

    Fry up

    Boiled eggs n soldiers

  16. Yesterday because I had time I had 2 homemade hash browns, 2 fried eggs and 2 heck sausages.

    Today a small packet Belvita bickies plus an apple, ginger and lemon Smoothie I’d made yesterday…it was palatable today as had chilled down. Meant to be a ‘colon cleanser’ 🤣🙈🤷‍♂️

    It all depends on time tbh…someday I just drink about 2 pints water before I leave and try some intermittent fasting…

    Porridge gives me awful heartburn???

    There’s always a box of Coco Pops or HoneyNut Cornflakes if i can’t be fucked being vaguely healthy…

  17. There’s some nice protein breakfast drinks available, if I’m low on time will have one of those and a banana.

  18. Greek Yoghurt mixed with flaxseeds, chia seeds, fresh blueberries and strawberries on top

  19. In Denmark you often see just fresh bread with Edamame spread and a slice of cheese. My favourite is Greek yogurt, full fat, Granola, some Strawberries and bananas. (Go full fat, reduced fat just means more processing)

  20. A coffee and nicotine.

    I’ve not eaten breakfast on week days for years.

  21. Greek yogurt, fruit and granola. I’m currently on a strawberry kick given the time of year.

  22. Ran out of milk recently so had my muesli with water. It’s actually nicer – you can taste the bits of fruit and nuts. Revelation.

  23. Make a giant breakfast tortilla that will last half a week at least:
    Traditionally egg potatoes and onion for a tortilla but it’s breakfast so you can go rogue. I mostly add bacon and mushrooms but all breakfast food a possibility including more veg like spinach. I warm it up in microwave for under a minute and I’m good to go each morning as breakfast. Do it Sunday night and portion it up for the week freezing some. Overall takes like 30 mins Sunday night and breakfast is just sorted. Often have with cherry tomatoes too and it’s good at lunch as well.

  24. Fresh fruit or frozen fruit defrosted in the fridge overnight, good dollop of Greek yogurt with honey, topped with a tablespoon of muesli or granola for the texture

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