I have no fear talking with any girl I like and I’m an excellent talker. but if we are in a group. I get the feeling that it is difficult.

  1. You and the rest of planet earth. Dw bro/sis it’s completely normal to get anxious in these situations. Thing is – do u know someone from the group? Come up and say hi, ask them what’s up, just keep it casual, no need for flirting in these situations. If the girl is onto you liking her she’d appreciate that you’re not being a weirdo.

    Read the room, don’t interrupt, just being polite and respectful of her (and everyone else’s) time will leave a good impression.

    If you don’t know them, I suggest not sticking around that much, like don’t just come up to them and hover from a distance. Just do your thing and don’t let their presence change what you were doing. If they come up once you two are talking, introduce yourself, chat em up.

    Not only girls, but people in general are attracted to others that both enjoy their company and can be independent.

  2. I’m a woman but I feel the same way. I won’t hit on a guy unless he’s alone!

  3. It’s completely reasonable, what you can do is to start talking with ppl around her first and then casually move to talking to her

  4. You could try practicing with a friend or in a safe environment where you feel comfortable. This will help build your confidence and strengthen your communication skills in group settings. Additionally, try to focus on active listening and asking open-ended questions to keep the conversation flowing smoothly. Remember that it’s okay to be nervous, but with practice and patience, you can overcome your fears and become a more confident conversationalist in any situation! You’ve got this. We don’t all bite 😉

  5. Approaching girls? More like approaching a flock of majestic unicorns. Stay cool, buddy!

  6. It is more difficult to capture the attention of someone when in a group. Just the nature of social interaction. In my opinion it’s best to just be subtle until the opportunity for a one on one conversation arises. Otherwise if you try too hard to compete with the group to get her attention it could come across as desperate, or dominating, even arrogance.

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