I am a 20 male every time I have a conversation with someone I always tend to tension up an speak fast which causes me to fumble or stutter.please helps

  1. I’ve struggled with the same thing. Sounds like you already know some of the solution, slow down. Breathe deep into your chest and trust that the words will come out how they need to. There’s no rush to conversation, instead of focusing on yourself and worrying about a response (which was part of my problem), listen as best as you can to the other person. Presence and equanimity are great skills to acquire and will help you in all your endeavors. Meditation can help with those.

  2. Breath.

    Then focus on your speed and speech quality.

    Also, add intentional breaks between your sentences.

    And the most important: Stop thinking about what other people might think about you. You can’t read their minds and you never know how they think until they literally told you so.

    There are no mistakes in communication, only feedback.

    If something doesn’t went as expected, you got some feedback to adjust and work with.

    Oh, you also mentioned it “you tension up”, so try to relax. There is no danger for you.

    Breathing should help a lot here, so do long and slow breathing.

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