Please god, women out there, don’t take this as a “pick me” thing, I’m a girls girl, swear.

I got out of an abusive relationship with an alcoholic man and when I first thought of dating I was absolutely terrified. I’ve had more than enough bad experiences with men, but I also have some fantastic, solid good men in my life. Including my dad don’t @me 🤣

So I’ve started dating and I’ve re-fallen in love with men. I forgot how exciting and fun the dynamic can be. I forgot what good male company is like in a friendship, romantic or sexual way.

I dunno I feel so liberated and free to be less afraid.

Of course there’s a little fear there that everybody should have in the dating world, you know safety and all. But overall like wow do I love dating!!

I feel like I might not be saying this after a while, people seem to be exhausted from it and I understand why, so I figured I’d say it out loud now lol.

Thanks for reading if you did!!

  1. Same here! Just ended my 13 year relationship (marriage) I’m 36(f) and I am finding it so exciting. I think because I’m not looking for the end goal of a relationship right away, it’s easier to not get in my head and ruin things. I can live in the moment with my dates, and focus on having fun first.

  2. Yes!!! Just enjoy it and do whatever makes you happy. If something is not making you happy, learn from it and move on 🧡

  3. Bravo, you’ve upgraded from ‘loser’ to ‘hopeful romantic’! 😄👏

  4. Happy to hear that. A lot of bitter people going through the motions so to see someone who’s having fun and enjoying themselves is a breath of fresh air.

    Wishing you all the best!

  5. That’s great. Just appreciate guys who actually treat you well, and make sure you address any baggage you may have from your previous abusive relationship.

    My ex dumped me after 3 months. She had 2 abusive relationships prior. She didn’t want to address any of the intimacy issues that it gave her.

    I gave that relationship all my best effort, and I really liked her, but she dumped me abruptly and kind of harshly a week after she broke down in tears when we discussed her prior boyfriends.

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