Im 18F. Ive noticed that when girls talk about boys, sex etc around me, they do it with a sense of secrecy like its a “oh so huge secrets that i shouldn’t know”, despite the fact that they talk about stuff like that with complete totally random girls that are strangers. but because I dont have the regular mindset and do not carry myself the way alot other young girls do. I am to be excluded from the conversation.

  1. A girl I used to know in HS was in a similar situation, she confronted her ‘friends’ about it. Would this be a possible solution?

  2. You’re right, they’re wrong. The fundamental thing about boys (and girls) is that they’re people. Both worry about how long to remain a virgin, how to ask people out (or be asked out), whether they’re ugly or not, how to love and be lovable. Just talk to people, ask questions that can’t be answered yes or no. Boys get horny, testosterone is a hell of a drug. But guess what, girls get horny, too. They also have a little bit of testosterone. The important thing between men and women is to act ethically. Don’t trick someone into doing something they don’t want to do. No trick questions. Everyone should lay their cards on the table. Girls want to be loved. Boys want to be loved. The best relationships are ones of mutual adoration. Aim for that.

  3. I just thought of something else. If you ever get the chance, watch a movie called Gregory’s Girl.

  4. I send off the same vibe. I think it is caused by them thinking you might judge what they are doing. Do you look uncomfortable possibly when they stay stuff? The opposite maybe? Too eager? They might think of you think that they are sluts etc.

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