I need your help. I’m a 28M. Long story short, I met a female on bumble and I think things are going well. Talked for a few days. Had a date. Planned a second one (most likely going to get lucky based on plans). I really can’t complain. Couple things… 1, she’s way out of my league. I’m actually puzzled why she matched me. 2, I’m getting the vibe based on conversation and flirtation, that she’s a sexual /sex positive female, which I like and appreciate. On the flip side, I am a virgin. The second part to that is that I am not very big at all. Like 4.5” on a good day at a certain angle. My fear is that plays a role in this, I fail to ultimately please her, last long, etc, and whatever we have going is dead that night. If you could offer any advice, tips, help, links to threads or articles with help, etc, I’d be forever grateful. Have a great weekend. Thanks in advance. ❤️

  1. Foreplay…lots and lots of foreplay.

    So when I was dating I was a fat dude…as a fat dude, the hardest part of the game is to get someone in bed. So my logic was to work on repeat business…and foreplay was my game. Turn them on, keep them turned on…kiss every inch of her…nibble the back,of her neck…just keep the foreplay going. Try and make her orgasm from your mouth or fingers…the longer you can perform foreplay the better.

    Also, at one point, she will be begging to have sex…hold her off a little…don’t take the first request…make her beg you…get her so wet that when you finally do have sex, that she gives you eyes hat you have never seen before. If she is sex positive, it’s all bout the play…so have fun and play. Try and hold off penetration as long as you can…that’s my advice…the rest is just licking, kissing, nibbling, biting all of your partner in anticipation of penetrative sex…

    Also, don’t be afraid of toys…use toys like an extension of yourself. Don’t feel threatened by a vibrator…use it as an ally, an ally whose goal is the same as yours.

  2. Don’t call them females, first of all. Second of all, saying things like “she’s out of my league” and “I don’t know why she matched with me” is just showing your insecurities. Confidence is the key here – it will make all the difference in the world. If you’re insecure about your size, find another way to pleasure her and it won’t be an issue.

  3. Enjoy the ride. Have fun and go for it. I thought the same about girl that I met, ans then she married me lol

  4. If you don’t want to say you’ve never had sex before, just say you haven’t dated that much and have had limited experience. Basically, it amounts to the same thing.

    If she’s good in bed, she’ll roll with it. Focus on foreplay and her pleasure. Focus in on her and create sensations of her all over her body. When she likes something, do it again. If you’re having a lot of trouble, tell her to touch her pretty pussy because you love to watch. And take notes!

    Don’t worry about the penetration part so much. If she’s already come once, great. It’ll go in and do its thing.

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