I need help reading a situation. So I matched with a guy on hinge and we have had pretty good conversations via hinge’s messaging system however he never initiates contact. When I do message him, he responds almost immediately and we have good convos but he never starts the conversation. Now, he was the one who did ask me out on a date and also offered up his phone number for easier communication but I just wonder why he doesn’t initiate anything? Based on some of his messages he seems to be more of an introvert maybe he just doesn’t enjoy texting and prefers in person? It just doesn’t seem like he is interested as I feel like if he was he would initiate at least one text. The only reason I am texting him before the date as by the time we go on the date it will have been two weeks since we matched on hinge (we scheduled it that way as we live an hour away from each other , I’m going home to a different state, and then I have work in between then) and I just wanted to convey that I was still interested in him and didn’t want to just go silent until we met up two weeks later. Am I reading too much into this? Does the fact that he never initiates mean he’s not interested or that he just doesn’t like texting in general and prefers in person interactions ? I’m having a hard time bc now I just feel like I am being annoying ( I don’t blow up his phone I just send a simple ‘how was work?’ Text or ‘how was your time with your friends ?’ ) even though he tells me that he enjoys talking to me. So idk what to do and if I’m just overreacting /overthinking and I should hold my ultimate judgment until the first in person date or if I should just move on???

  1. It’s because the internet tells guys not to text much until after the date because he could ruin the date before it even happens by saying something that gets taken out of context. Just be cool until the date.

  2. I think that the fact he never initiates conversations indicates his degree of interest. I’d match his level of energy and enthusiasm. If he’s really interested, he’ll reach out. I would give him the opportunity to pursue you.

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