For context, our one year anniversary is today and we had originally planned to spend the whole day together after he gets off work. We planned on going into town for the day, eating dinner together, and watching fireworks.

This was our plan, until about an hour ago. I get a text from him explaining that his friends want us to go jetskiing after he gets off work. I explain that it wasn’t a good day because it’s our anniversary and we already had plans for just the two of us.

Regardless, he still tries to convince me to go. Finally, I put my foot down and explain I’m not going, but I express that if he wants to do that today, so be it. I basically just wanted to get a true understanding of what his true colors are and whether he will choose his friends over our anniversary plans.

In the past, there’s been NUMEROUS times where he’s chosen his friends over our already made plans. On such a special day, I thought he would at least understand that this isn’t ok. I just feel like today is only special in my eyes.

Any advice is welcome.

TLDR; my boyfriend randomly tried to include his friends plans into our anniversary plans.

  1. INFO

    >In the past, there’s been NUMEROUS times where he’s chosen his friends over our already made plans

    Have you been upfront with him that this is a major issue for you and it makes you feel like you aren’t as important to him?

  2. Girl. He’s already shown you his priorities through his actions — according to you, numerous times. This is who he is. You just have to decide whether you want him, knowing that it will always be this way.

  3. He’s shown you multiple times including your anniversary that his friends are more important

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