I don’t know why this is such a struggle for me, but I’ve realized that I never end conversations. When someone calls me or I run into someone I know, I find myself sort of just waiting for them to say that they have to go. Even when it’s clear the conversation is over, I get this discomfort that I am being rude if I end the conversation. It gives me anxiety because I feel apprehensive to answer the phone or go out, etc. I guess my question is: what are the actual words to use to end a conversation politely?

1 comment
  1. If you want to end a conversation normally, it actually depends on the situation.

    After the conversation, if you need to go somewhere else, do something else, or anything else, you can end the conversation with “was ggreat to talk with you, but I have to move on now. Have a nice day!”.

    If it’s a situation where you’re on the call and both of you aren’t saying anything and there’s an awkward silence, you can solve it by saying something first. It can be anything.

    Be it asking about his day, how is his job/school/college etc.

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