Thats a topic i caught in the opposite sub, and i taught it was interesting to bring here.

**What Rule/Aphorism that you learned that sticks to you to this day ?**

  1. One that I use pretty regularly is “have you tried trying?“ I use it whenever someone assumes that they can’t do a thing because they’ve never done it before or that the obstacles in front of them are insurmountable to the point where it’s pointless to try.

  2. Always keep your word. If you say that you’re going to do something, do it. Even if no one else will know or no one else is looking.

  3. The 5-second rule. I mean, it is obviously BS, but it is something my brain always remembers when I drop food.

  4. One of the few really valuable things I learned in college was a story my anthropology professor told us in class. When he was a PHD student, he was at a seminar, and the lecturer was passing around old stone tools he found on a recent dig. He told us everybody was examining them, pointing out different features in the stone tools before they passed them on. When they came to him, he said he didn’t see what everybody was pointing out, and they just looked like rocks to him. He didn’t say anything because he was surrounded by all these experts who clearly knew more than him, so he just smiled and nodded, and passed the stone tools around.

    At the end, the lecturer revealed that they were, indeed, just regular rocks he found and made a point about not just taking expert opinions at face value. My professor always said he regretted not trusting himself and saying what he really thought. I remember that now whenever I’m in a similar position.

  5. Personal affliction is every man’s lot. A side effect of being alive is sickness, injury, disease, etc. This mantra helps me on days that my arthritis is really bad.

  6. Don’t work with or for friends and relatives. Don’t loan tools or money. Keep the books square.

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