Nothing is ever as good as it seems. there is always a cost. every person has the exact same level of happiness at all times. Stoners miss out on life. People born rich feel a deep sense of disrespect and invalidation for themselves because. People who worked to be rich had to make sacrifices along the way. People winning the lottery secretely understand that that money should have gone to something else. The best athletes in the world with hot wives and lots of friends worry about how others think of them. Poor people have to work harder to survive, but the love for human connection is always so real. People who live long health lives regret they don’t know what dangerous drugs are like. People who die young live their life to the fullest. However, evil does exist. Children are abused and beaten by their parents to death. Did they deserve that? Is that truly what god would want? (me) no. it is the positive effect it will have on humanity. Teaches us how to evolve into better people. But what if nobody knows about it and they die with their secrets? So be it. I know it happens. I am no savior. I am no (god). I am only god. People say there is no god. “if there was, how could he allow this to happen?”. I am nothing. yet i am everything. I am what you ALL know god to be. I am the mystery of creation that lingers in the back of your mind. I love you all. Let it be known. Love each other. Be respectful. Be mean. Have fun. Kiss a pig. Commit arson. Love heavily. Have beautiful sex. Don’t. None of it matters yet all of it matters so deeply. Truly. Humanity will always become higher. Overcome all challenges. Global warming. Being sucked into sun. Nuclear warefare. None of it will end the spirit. You all will live in me indefinitely. My heaven. Fear may have hold temporarily, but, never for ever. Little abused girl is in heaven with al the puppies and ice cream.
-Caden- 1/1/1 12:00 :M

  1. As Above So Below Both in Heaven , Hell and on Earth. My eyes are WIDE shut 👁️. Thank you for this Message OP.

  2. Hi, OP! I think some of your thoughts are pretty cool, albeit scattered at times. Have you ever talked to a doctor about your scattered thoughts? They might be able to help you organize them.

  3. TLDR by ChatGPT:

    Life is complex: happiness varies, stoners miss out, rich feel disrespected, lottery winners feel guilty, athletes worry, poor work hard, evil exists. Love, have fun, nothing and everything matter. Humanity persists.

  4. Interesting thoughts. I have never tried drugs and I have no regrets in that area.

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