I’m 2 nd year med stu. I was loving a girl from my batch for a long time. We were both talking with each other since a year and half but mejority time only on what’s app rarely we were meeting physically to talk and I’m also shy so it was difficult for me to talk infront of her but the feeling i developed of her was hunting me everyday she was texting me just as a friend but i was getting hurt because I was having a feelings so finally I’ve confess my love through what’s app and she said she is not interested in me at all.

I’m happy now that at least I’ve said that so I’ll not have regret in life but the problem is that she said don’t text me anything from now onwards to me! And that thing hurt me a lot as because of this I’ve lost her as a friend and it’s hurting me now. Should I go to her and asked for friendship ?? I can say I’m clear now and i don’t have feelings for you but can’t we be friend like before? Should I do it or not please give me some advice.

I’m feeling very bad because we were good friends and suddenly it’s over. Everything just disappeared in secs.

  1. No, it sucks to say to but taking the step from relationship from friendship is a big step. Most of the time you can not restore that same friendship and for that you will unfortunately have to move on. It will hurt because heartbreaks hurt so bad but it is the best for you in the long run. You will have more opportunities but just know you will approach relationships better because of this previous experience.

  2. You need to respect her boundaries. If not, you will push her further and further away, making it so much worse for you.

    Its sucks and heartbreak is rough, especially in unrequited love. But its not a knock on you specifically, half the world has experienced this and it takes different lengths of time for people to move on. But you will.

    Rejection is hard, no matter the situation. But being her friend would only make it harder for you anyways. Its for your own good to distance from her.

    You should be proud you admitted your truth to her, thats not an easy thing to do. Even though it wasnt the outcome you hoped for, you now know where you stand and can reassess other people to invest your time in.

    Dont let this define you or ruin your self esteem. People all around the world have been through it, and found love with someone else. Situations like this create resilience and resilience creates confidence.

    Clean slate. Time to reevaluate your life. You got this. One step at a time.

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