what is your opinion on the phrase men age like fine wine and women age like milk?

  1. Man fuck that. Have they SEEN Gillian Anderson? Hollywood is almost never what it seems, I have no idea what/if she’s had anything done, frankly I don’t care. She’s one of many older women that I find to be stunning.

    Coming from someone who admires someone’s beauty beyond a few wrinkles. Who tf cares.

    Need I remind you that not all men age like wine. Plenty of them have great hair migrations. They leave their heads in favor of their backs or inner ears 💀

  2. Of course it’s bullshit. Made up and regurgitated by the same types of men who don’t quite understand what they see in the mirror every morning and who probably also believe in the concept of “high value males” and shit like that.

  3. It’s a feeble attempt to make women feel more insecure and less valuable as they get older and wiser! It’s a totally ridiculous and inaccurate saying.

  4. I think it’s the other way around.

    Women age well because most of them have a skincare routine and prioritize self care. Most men on the other hand, don’t care about skincare and put sunscreen very few times a year (sadly). So ultimately, for them aging depends on their genes

  5. Misogynistic garbage. Individuals age differently due to a number of factors like skin care, diet, drug use (including tobacco and alcohol), and genetics.

    Socially, it is more acceptable for men to show visible signs of aging, like greying hair and skin texture, while women are expected to look unrealistically youthful into their 50s and 60s.

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