I want a hot wife but I don’t match with quality women on apps. Mostly just chubby girls are girls with weird hair colors. not sure what to do. im getting sick of being single ugh. Can any of you guys relate?

  1. This has to be a joke, this is insanely rude. “I want a hot wife” Jesus wtf.

  2. It may be your personality
    It’s not coming across very quality through this post, not sure how you’re coming across on your profile. Looks are pretty important since that’s the first thing you have to go off of when you’re swiping on these dating apps but it’s not all about looks, after the looks draw you in the personality among other things keep you interested. Your weight does not define your worth as a human

  3. Well “raw dog” I’m sure no “hot girl” wants any sleazeball like you being their boyfriend. Basing how you look off how attractive your personality is I’d say you’re lucky to even get attention from a “fat girl”. Grow up and become worth giving the time of day to and maybe just maybe some half decent looking girl will let you raw dog when you’re grown up.

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