tl;dr: met a girl yesterday, really liked her and I want to know how should I act for it to not be a one night thing.

whilst is not yet a “classical relationship” i really want some advice with this one, anyone up to listen to me ? :))))))))))

well so, yesterday they were fiestas (like a festival or whatever in the streets, I’m spanish heh) in a neighbourhood in my city

so i went with my friends and stayed with them until like 1 am when i met this girl

it was pretty magical honestly because i had no intention of flirting with any girl. so when i met her i asked about her name, where she lived, typical things when you meet someone new, and well the “feeling” was kind of present, right, i felt that she liked me because of how she was coming closer to me and stuff so we sat together and looked at each others’ eyes and stuff and we spent the rest of the night, so from 1 am to 7 am kissing and that.

my issue comes now, she asked me about my number when we were saying goodbye to each other aaand we chatted for a bit, right,and I asked her how was she the night before, and she told me that she had a very good time with me, right. now, I asked her if she would like to meet again and I also told her that I really liked her.

did I mess up by saying those things or? do you think she’ll want to meet up again? i don’t wanna be abrasive as in being tiresome or annoying with those messages

my friends told me that I had to play hard to get with her buuut, honestly, I didn’t feel like it, i really felt connected with her and since we spent most of the night together and we told each other really beautiful stuff I think playing hard to get is not the right choice whilst being sincere is the one

what do you think? basically my issue is that i don’t want it to be a one-night thing, and i’m afraid that it might be a one tho signals that she sent me point otherwise but you never know

how do you see it? do you see future or…? i’m really excited with this girl and i’d really want to know her more and meet up again

  1. Why would you play hard to get or anything for that matter. Don’t play games bro

  2. Notice when you mether, it was unexpected, you were just being you and she responded to that and you!

    Play games if you want to, but only of you want to, she’s not interested in them!

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