and how many cars is typical for a family?

  1. 2. I have one and my wife has one. We’re considering a third for me to drive to work and downgrading my current car to my fun weekend fishing and Home Depot vehicle.

  2. Outside of a handful of major metropolitan areas with easy public transportation, it’s very common for each adult to have their own vehicle. My wife and I each have a car.

  3. 1. Growing up, my family always had two. When I started driving, then it was 3

  4. Four between me and my wife, which is roughly two too many. The two we don’t drive will hopefully be sold in the next month or two, I’d like my driveway and garage open.

  5. I have one and my partner has one. My next door neighbors, which I believe is just a household of two, have five.

  6. 1, a small hatchback. We had 2 for a while, but we got rid of my wife’s car. We’ve been considering buying a truck at some point.

  7. 2 a jeep and a Ford Fusion looking at buying a third for the farm

    Thinking an old body F150 or something

  8. I have one and my spouse has one, but really we share the nice one and keep the old one for days when we both need a car, which is rare since he works from home.

  9. Just 1, and the bank still owns part of it for another 5 months. I can’t wait to be done making a car payment.

  10. My husband & I drive a Toyota everyday and he has an old Ford truck (that he will probably be buried in).

  11. Household of two and we have one. We used to have two but we both work in the same area so we downsized to one and just commute with each other. If that ever changes we’ll buy another car.

  12. Technically one, but realistically zero at the moment. But hopefully we’ll have it back from the mechanic in the next couple of days and will be back to one again.

  13. I own 4 road legal vehicles for 2 drivers. A pickup truck, a car (sedan), and 2x 4 wheel drive SUVs.

    I also have an assortment of vehicles only legal for off road use.

  14. My wife and I have no kids and 1 car. She mostly works from home, I have an irregular work schedule, and we have fairly solid public transit in our area, so it’s never really been a problem, and saves us a ton of money to not pay for 2 cars.

    In my experience it’s pretty common for people with kids to have 2 cars, maybe 3 once the kids are at driving age. I would be surprised by more than 3 but it’s not unheard of.

  15. My wife and I each have one, and we just got a third for my son. I also have a motorcycle.

  16. Three. I have a 2000 Jeep Wrangler and a 2015 Tacoma. My wife has a 2009 RAV4.

  17. We (my wife and I, no kids at home any more) own two vehicles. Her car and my “project” truck. My daily driver is a company car, which we don’t own, but I do have exclusive use of, so I don’t know whether you’d count that or not.

    Typical for a family is hard to judge, because all families are different. Usually, in my experience, each parent has a car, and if they have a teenage driver living at home, they’ll have a third for him. Sometimes the kid might drive one of the parents’ cars, but it’s usually cheaper to get the kid a beater with minimum insurance instead of adding him to the parent’s car.

  18. 1 crossover, 6 sports cars (2 modern 4 classic), and 2-4 project sports cars that may or may not be classifiable as cars at this point, as well as a Vespa scooter. We are definitely not a typical American household in terms of car count, but not uncommon for a car enthusiast.

  19. One newer crossover for my wife, one older errand/ hunting pickup truck we both use, plus a newer company pickup truck for me.

    At one point I also had a 1997 BMW M3, and I love cars, but having a kid tends to clamp down on discretionary spending. I can help my dad work on his fun cars or borrow one for a Sunday afternoon and that usually scratches the itch.

  20. My spouse and I have two cars, and both are more than 10 years old. We really only drive one regularly now, as we both WFH. We’re considering selling both and getting 1 new car, at least until one of us gets a job with a commute.

  21. 2, but my FIL has been borrowing one since his broke down and we are operating pretty well as a 1 car household. Just my husband and I currently but we do have a baby on the way

  22. I personally own zero, but my dad owns 5. One for my mom, dad, sister, brother, and me. Once each of my siblings and I are done with school we will likely but our own.

  23. I have 1. I live with 3 other adults and as a household, we have 4 cars and a motorcycle (each person has a car and one also has a motorcycle).

  24. 0 , I live in a major city. My family lives in a rural location and they each have their own car.

  25. There are nine cars at my house, eight are mine, the ninth is the mother-in-law’s.

    I am aware for three drivers this is too many.

    Of the eight, one is the wife’s minivan, four are my trucks (ranging from 10 to 50 years old), my elcheapo “sports” car (I use for a gas getter/autocross car), a super cheap 50 year old Volvo and lastly a Mustang that is perpetual project. Other than the van and the newest truck these were all bought cheap or given to me. I am a sucker for a good deal on a car. Plus, living in a small town where they don’t care if you have a few cars sitting around allows me to keep hoarding them. 😬

  26. 4 person family, one car.
    My husband is WFH and I am a SAHM so we really didn’t need the second one. We’ve only had a few situations come up when the second car was needed and the occasional cost of an Uber beats paying for and insuring a car we barely use.

  27. We have one SUV. Technically we have a second car, but the second one is my brother in law’s daily driver. He pays the insurance costs and monthly payment but it’s all in my name. It was my wife’s car before we decided we didn’t need two (we both work from home) so we gave it to my brother in law when his original car died.

    He has hit three deer since then lol. We live in rural Michigan if you’re wondering how.

  28. 9, which is kind of on the low side for us, but not typical for the average family. 4 of them are 1957 and older, 1 is an 80s square body truck, and the rest are modern.

    We have 2 adult drivers and a teen with a learner’s permit. Our modern cars on average are about 17 years old and we have no car payments. We choose to put more money into the classics and enjoy them, and my husband restores them on the side and does a lot of buying, selling, and trading. It’s a lot of fun!

  29. TECHNICALLY zero, because I have two years left on my loan.

    But I’ll go with 1.

  30. I have one that my sister in law that lives with us drives more then me because I work from home, and my wife has one. Soon my sister in law is supposed to be buying her own car and the household will technically have 3. I have no plans to trade in or upgrade my cars any time soon.

  31. Only five right now. Two daily drivers, on pickup truck, two classic cars.

  32. 2. One for each adult. I think one for each licensed driver is the norm.

  33. 4 altogether:
    2 regular driving vehicles,
    1 truck for hauling stuff,
    1 1967 cadillac we inherited

  34. Two cars and two motorcycles. Both motorcycles need work so they are more like projects. Plan is to fix one, sell it, then fix the other to keep.

    My kid is going to be driving age soon so we’ll probably give her a car and buy a new one.

    2 cars is pretty typical for the average American family, unless you live in a city or something.

  35. I downsized a few years ago so now we only have 3 but I’ll probably start buying and flipping a bunch in the future when my shop is done.

  36. One. I would guess average ownership for a family is one per adult, maybe a bit more given teenagers.

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