I sleep at 7am, wake up at 4pm. So i am struggling to find a healthier routine instead of waking up and taking 1 hour to get out of bed then i am not even hungry so i just sit in the couch in a delirious daze til i get hungry then get my stouffers laasgana and toss in the microwave and watch netflix til i have to go back

  1. So the afternoon is the time you actually do what you want/need in life. Assuming your job is not perfectly satisfying. It is easier in the shifted schedule to “waste” time though so you have to be a bit better about scheduling stuff. Wake up, have coffee, and do something. Maybe read for half an hour, or do a chore. Budget time for video games (set an alarm).

    Fuck breakfast. If you aren’t hungry don’t eat. I don’t eat breakfast as a normal schedule Haver.

  2. I don’t work this schedule anymore, but when I did I treated my day the same as I would if I were working any other schedule. I wake up in the afternoon, have breakfast, then go to work a couple hours after that.

    I’d eat a light dinner when I got home, and go to bed 2-3 hours after getting home from work.

  3. I work 10pm-7am Thursday-Monday. I’m asleep by 7:30, I get up between 2-3pm and it’s time to house outside and join the crew (my parents and two sets of aunts/uncles) that’s building our house for us. I work with them until 5 or 6 and I’ll join my wife and kids for dinner and spend the rest of the night with them until bed time. Once i get them all in bed I’ll catch an hour long nap from 8:30-9:30ish before waking up and getting ready for work.


    Now this is all contingent on there not being any softball, t-ball, wrestling, swimming practice or church events, in which case I’ll wake up when I need to be up and take care of business and try to grab quick catch up naps when and were I can.

  4. I would work 12’s home by 10-1030. Breakfast at its respective meal time for whatever reason. Wind down with tv and play with my dog, 12-6 sleep. Get up have dinner with the wife, leave for work by 730 and start hell all over again. Nights is definitely doable, you keep changing your diet and routine till you feel ‘ok’ with it, and then for some reason day shift becomes scary.

  5. I go to sleep by 730. Wake up at 2 if I can. If not 3 or 330 if I need the sleep. Shower and go to the gym. Come back chill play video games, do errands/chores. Gf comes back and then we cook chill watch TV and then I go back to work. I catch up on sleep on the weekends by going to bed at 5ish and waking up at 2 or 3

  6. When I had that schedule, it was tough… I get it. I normally went to the gym right after work, go home shower and (attempt) to sleep all day before work.repeat. and be awake for the important shit that needs to be done during the day and go back to sleep right away.

  7. I used to work overnight most of my life. Recently I used to work 9p-8a. My routine after work would be get home by like 8:30 run any errands/school or house chores. If I was hungry I would eat breakfast (essentially for dinner) relax/shower then try to sleep by like noon or 1. 4pm was my absolute cut off time to get sleep. Depending on when I slept due to school schedule or any activity I had to do I would wake up around 7:30p/8p stretch make a giant pot of coffee shower get ready for work in by 9p. Rinse repeat. I worked overnight for about 10 years. 4 during school then graduated worked a day job then 6 years back overnight.

    I’ll admit most times it sucks BUT I did enjoy who I worked with and on my days off I’d get up at like midnight or 1 am go for a smoke, and walk around it was so quiet and peaceful. Definitely miss those early morning walks. Best of luck to you but find a schedule that’s fits you everyone is different.

  8. Wake up in the afternoon? Man, the older I get, the earlier I wake up. I go to sleep around 8 and wake up before 12.
    When I was in my early 20s I would sleep until 16.30 or so.

    Now, when I wake up I get some breakfast, force myself to do at least 1 ‘big’ household thing like vacuuming or grocery shopping. Then live as a zombie and try to get some extra sleep around 16.30.

  9. I work at night from home, so I wake up like 4 minutes before work lol.

    Drink coffee and work till 8am, get off work and make breakfast for the kids. Breakfast for dinner on my end. Errands and kid stuff until around 2pm. Melatonin and THC to knock my ass out by 3:30pm.

    I gained like 50lbs when I started this schedule. After the kids get on the school bis I hit the speed bag and play some beat Saber until my arms are falling off. Lost around 45lbs this year by doing this and banning sugar.

  10. I used to stay up in the morning and play video games then sleep noon to 8 and get ready for work.

  11. I just switch my routine on its head. Finish work at 6am, go to the gym, come home and make food for the next night, sit on the sofa and chill til 9/10 then shower set alarm for 4.30 and go to bed, get up, coffee, off to work for 6. Rinse and repeat

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