I am mainly asking men/people who are attracted to the female body. I am 22F and I have never had sex before. I got together with my boyfriend almost two months ago. We really want to sleep together, but I am extremely insecure about my butt. It has pimples, cellulite, scars, and small lumps that I think makes it really unattractive, not sure if anybody could be attracted to it. My boyfriend had multiple relationships before, and is more experienced than me. He has mentioned he usually prefers butts over boobs, which is definitely an added pressure. He also said he likes the shape and size of my butt when I had clothes on, but I am scared once he saw me naked he would change his opinion and possibly even leave me. So please be honest, how bad is it? Do you guys think it could be solved with a consistent workout routine? The amount of pimples I have are due to birth control, which I started taking a few weeks ago, and it’s messing with my hormones, but hopefully they will go away with time.

picture in the comments section

TLDR: I hate my butt, how unattractive is it really?

  1. Honestly you have one of the most beautiful and gorgeous butts I’ve ever seen. Pimples are absolutely normal, dont over think it, your booty is absolutely amazing and dare i say super sexy.

  2. Saw the pic in the other thread that got removed. You have a good butt. He’ll be happy.

    Source: am bootyologist

  3. Maybe best to use an IUD, since it’s non-hormonal.
    Hormonal birth control can mess you up.
    Every individual is different, but I don’t think he’ll mind much. I wouldn’t.

  4. Shape is fine. I guess someone could complain about the marks but I’m sure if I spread those cheeks I’m still burying the needle

  5. You can always tell your boyfriend about the consequences of using birth control pills. I would hope that would put your mind at ease for whenever the two of you move forward to have sex. Then there are no surprises. Your butt seems very nice to me—not too big, nor too small. You should be happy with the nice butt you have. I would happy with it.

  6. Just tell him straight up, “hey I have a pimple or two due to birth control on my perfect ass, can you handle that big boy?” Now the ball is firmly in his court to show he is mature before you expose your 99% perfect ass to him. Im pretty sure most guys will see the 99% perfectly cute ass a d anyone that doesn’t is a complete dick. Maybe show him before having sex to judge his reaction. If his reaction is immediately immature, then do not proceed to sex.

  7. On a serious note, do you have them anywhere else in your body and are they recurrent?

  8. What you think is going through his mind when he sees your naked butt: “Hmm, i am detecting a number of variations in skin density, resulting in the presence of lumps. Further, there is evidence of acne on the skin surface. I had best be aware of the location of my coat as there is now a significant chance I may flee.”

    What is actually going through his mind when he sees your naked butt: “Oh my God! I’m gonna get laid! I’m gone get laid!”

    No man approaches a woman’s ass with the attitude of a fine art collector, as if checking to see if there are any imperfections on a Ming vase. If the pimples are there because of birth control, then you just got him even more excited because the threat of pregnancy has been removed.

    Besides, at this stage of sexual experimentation (that is, just beginning) your butt is solely involved to the extent of being placed down on the bed. Some point in the future it will become involved, one way or another, but (no pun intended) that is for another time.

    So drop trou (does anyone use that expression anymore?), nakedly embrace your boyfriend, and boldly begin your sexual journey. And if you ask him to describe your butt a couple of days later he will not have remembered anything you are worried about.

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