I (29 M) had a close friend (29 M) who I met back in grade 4 and we were friends for almost 20 years. I basically went through everything with this guy from graduating elementary, high school, university, his wedding, etc. Incidentally, around 7 years ago he met his future wife who he married around a year ago. For context, they are both white people with a sheltered privileged upbringing and I am Asian who grew up with less than fortunate circumstances (this is relevant later on).

I noticed cracks in the friendship starting to happen when I got accepted into medical school. I had tried for years to get in but it was a difficult process, so I was elated when I accomplished my life’s goal. Naturally, I invited my friend and his wife to my white coat ceremony to celebrate. Instead of congratulating me and feeling happy they gave some very insecure and jealous statements such as “It pisses me off how good at school you are” and “We’ll I’ll be busy too with my work, etc” At the time I brushed it aside but it irked me for someone who is a close friend to say that.

Afterwards, COVID happened and I was very busy with medical school so I seldom saw this person and his then girlfriend. It was also worth noting that over time they became very progressive and woke which is not a bad thing in itself but they would be part of the faction that tries to control what everyone says and thinks. I am left leaning but not very political so it gets my angry when someone tries to push their beliefs down onto me. During COVID they would immediately shut down any discussion that goes against their view e.g. the idea of herd immunity even though neither of them work in healthcare. No one is allowed to watch anything that is offensive in their home e.g Supersize Me because it is fat shaming or say the word retard. I was scolded by this person for turning it on their TV once. They also like ranting how not racist they are out of context and how the rest of the world is. I would shut them up by pointing out how they literally had no minority friends. In addition, there is a very strong victim complex emitting from the both of them. The wife is an extreme feminist and seems to think that no matter what situation a woman cannot be criticized and men are to be blamed for everything. An example of this is when I mentioned most women prefer a taller man I was flatly accused of being wrong and that all male doctors are creeps. Needless to say I felt there was a weird disconnect that they were suggesting I was privileged because I had somehow worked my way into medical school and they were not despite the two very different upbringings we had.

This friend’s wife is a very insecure person who thinks she has the right to give people medical advice because her mom is a physiotherapist (for context she is a grade 2 teacher). I think it has to do with the fact that she based her personality on her grades. One time she was lecturing her other friends about diabetes and I corrected her since I work in healthcare she immediately took offense to this. Another time she was randomly scrolling through TikTok and she watched this video about tongue tied in babies. She asked me if I knew what this was and when I replied no since it was a specialist condition she lectured me about the topic. Imagine having the nerve to look up stuff and lecture people in their own field?? She would also try to rich shame me by making weird statements out of context like “You can either be good or be rich.” As a result I was infuriated by this person’s actions which led to the inevitable.

Finally, there was one important event that I felt made me decide ghosting these people was the right choice. My friend would ask me how much I would make as a doctor and when I gave him an honest response his response was: “You don’t know if you’ll actually make it to that stage.” and “well my gaming company will make me millions!” unprompted. This made me realize this person was nothing but a jealous insecure backstabber who wants to see me fail.

As a result, I ghosted these two and did not give an explanation. This former friend has reached out multiple times but I block every platform and do not reply. I am still however infuriated by their actions and the idea that they still somehow might think they are in the right. Is there another step so should take or was this the best course of action?

1 comment
  1. You’re fine. They will probably have a hard time keeping friends if they do this to everyone and yeah, i will have surprised picachu faces on and they can’t understand why people are leaving them. Let them be, they were part of your life and now they’re not. Life is too short to surround yourself with shitty people. I made that decision over 10 years ago and life is amazing.

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