Update to [https://www.reddit.com/r/dating\_advice/comments/ucsrp4/should\_i\_ask\_her\_out\_over\_text/](https://www.reddit.com/r/dating_advice/comments/ucsrp4/should_i_ask_her_out_over_text/)

So I texted her and she said she was down to chill. We texted some more then I asked if she was free on Saturday. If she agreed I was going to text my plan of either lunch and a walk or something, or go mini golfing (still don’t know which is better for first date). She has not responded to that last text I sent and its been a little over a day. I’m thinking I am getting ghosted but she did say she is a horrible texter and was busy (took her 8 hours to respond to initial text). Idk if I should text her today again and ask if she wants to go out on Saturday or should I forget about it?

Also it said she her notifications are silenced (focus mode on iPhone) when I last texted but I noticed she turned it off sometime the next day.

  1. Hmm, I would say you’re being ghosted here. People who want to meet someone, don’t not reply etc :/

  2. I don’t know you and I dont know what expectations you keep from romantic connections but if I were you, and someone didn’t reply to my text of asking them out, I would take that as a sign that they are not interested and not bother with them again.

    Side-note: if someone is interested in you, they won’t take a whole day to let you know unless they were in an emergency. It takes less than a minute to let someone know “yes I am interested but hey, I wont be able to text because I am switching my phone off to focus on some project”.

    It’s what I do and I believe is the bare minimum to let someone you like know that you are busy and yet, so very interested in going out.

    Also, only immature ppl who are incapable of being straightforward tend to ghost. You should aim for someone who can give a clear No or Yes. Don’t waste time with idiots.

    **The only good reason to ghost is when you are dealing with an abusive person who continues to harass you and wouldn’t take NO for an answer. If someone continues to cross your boundaries, no matter what they are, please ghost their ass hard.**

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