I personally think a woman with a gut is turn off sexually.Realistically everyone can’t have good workout habits. Pushing a lifestyle on someone I feel should be a choice. Is this shallow or just my preference

  1. It’s just your preference

    One that I share too

    A gut on a girl isn’t for me

    Don’t let the snowflakes of Reddit tell you you’re a bad person for having this preference

  2. What are you wrong about? It’s not you. If I like ketchup and you don’t then who am I to judge?

  3. Sometimes I feel shallow because I could literally like everything else about a woman except her weight

  4. I think even though social media pushes body positivity and there are trends like plus sized models…

    It’s not reflective of reality.
    It’s a niche or a way to pander.

    People cheerlead in an “Emperor’s new clothes” kind of way. Or they cheerlead to “empower” because they are indifferent.

    Where to your face they say that your look is slaying… but, secretly they feel the opposite and are embarrassed. Or they are in a position to cheerlead because “everything” slays when sexual attraction isn’t involved.

    There’s girl who was a stone cold fox who loved
    posting pictures of herself in clothes.
    Tons of likes probably because she really slayed.

    In the last 7 months she must have doubled in body weight… likely from overeating as she is also a major “foodie”…

    She still posts “glam Shots”… now with like #bodypositivity #fatrollsarebeautiful

    However, I notice she still gets “you look stunning” or 🔥.

    Majority of the posts are just females who feel they are empowering her.
    The old posts had more men commenting.

    The truth is, is she is getting to the point where if the weight gain keeps on happening at that it’s going to be detrimental health wise.

    Plus, while she is plump cute I guess…
    The double chin is a turn off.
    And again… the rate at which it happens scares me that it’s not going to stop and keep getting worse.

    Tangent… but don’t feel bad… most find obesity to be a turn off.

    I mean it makes sense. It’s a disease state.
    So it makes sense we don’t associate it with attractiveness. I’ve struggled with obesity my whole life.

    I’m at best body-neutral.
    Not something I’m mad about…. But, I don’t see it as attractive or something to celebrate.

    It hurts me. It hurts my joints. It makes me huff and puff when I climb stairs. It makes the act of sex harder.

  5. Everyone is built differently, some can have thin muscular arms and legs and still have a tummy poking out, some have flat tummies and solid legs 🤷‍♀️ it’s probably just a preference but I think it becomes an issue when you think about it too much and it becomes a huge focus point in potential partners

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