so this isn’t really a relationship problem, it’s a friendship problem. My best friend (m23) has been living with me (f23) the past 4-5 years and we have been attached at the hip for 13 years.

He moved in with me back in 2019 with my now ex-bf and I, and things got bad. My ex became literally psychotic using Percocet like it’s a fucking daily vitamin, threatened gun violence and followed through with physical violence towards me and my best friend. Throughout my 3 year relationship with my ex, my best friend (he likes men btw) was constantly trying to get me to break up with him. This made sense considering the circumstances. Finally we disappear after my ex said he’d kill me.

Cut to a few years later, my best friend and I are living in a cute house and things are looking up. However I couldn’t shake this feeling that something was seriously wrong and I believe in women’s intuition. I went snooping and found an old journal I bought him a year back to write his desires in. I go straight to the last entry(not sure why) and it’s a page detailing him being in love with my ex and being grateful for the “passionate” and “sexual” love affair that occurred between them.

My best friend of 13 years fucked my physically abusive ex and is still writing about how in love with him he is 2 years later

I know it’s wrong that I went snooping but I could NOT shake this feeling that I had to. I knew something wasn’t right and sure as shit I find that

1 comment
  1. Cut them both out and avoid a great big drama. Sounds selfish but your young and your friend obviously didn’t care enough about you to stop himself sleeping with your boyfriend so why put yourself through it?

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