When harassed by people in the streets trying to promote their products, what is a polite way to immediately leave?

  1. I got ambushed by one the other day, I was meeting a car in the carpark, so I genuinely didn’t have time (totally outside of not wanting to be involved), so I said “sorry, I’m on my way out”, and the guy said “well just before you go–” and I kept walking and said “I don’t have time” and just kept going.

    Don’t feel bad for them. I had an accidental job interview at one of those places (the listing said “market research”), and they literally coached us during the interview on being pushy; calling out specific people because they’re wearing something distinctive, picking an easy mark like older women, trying to guilt people into stopping. It fucking sucked, because I wouldn’t have caught an hour and a half long train if I knew that’s what the interview was for, but it **did** help me feel a lot more comfortable and less guilty saying no. These people absolutely knew what they were signing up for when they got that job.

  2. Headphones. Or just walk on as if they don’t exist. I don’t interact at all. Didn’t ask for that, so I go on with my life.

  3. You don’t have to be polite – neutral will do, and rude is an option if they will not leave you alone. Just ignore them and keep walking. If they’re persistent, say something like “No – not interested” in a neutral voice (and do not say “sorry”). If they still persist, give them a blank look and raise your hand in the “stop” gesture, repeat what you said before *and keep walking*.

  4. “No thanks” and leave. I don’t feel any need to be rude to folks selling shit on the street, etc., but I also don’t feel like I need to give them any of my time. I know I’m not interested.

  5. “I’m at uni, I don’t work part time, I got no money” lol
    This got them to let me off the hook so quick

  6. I just say “no thank you” or “sorry, I don’t have time” and keep walking.

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