Edit to add: I’m tired of explaining this. I do not believe that children/teens should be controlled in their dating life. The word allow was used for lack of a better word. Please be kind. There is no room for hostility in my life, and I will no longer be interacting with it.

  1. Of course, I would. If he’s like me, he’s a stand up, hard working, fit/healthy and a loyal guy

  2. Yep. I’m a decent guy, treat everyone with respect, have a decent job, give back to the community when I can, care about my partner, and have some faults that are easy to deal with.

    However I never go out or talk to people, so the odds of meeting someone like me are basically 0

  3. Like me in what way(s)?

    Because I’d have to frown on her dating someone my age or one of our relatives or one of my non-related doppelgangers.

  4. Yes. There are different times in life where I might want her to meet a guy like me. For example, 20yo me is significantly different than 30yo me, but yes.

    Nevertheless, I think people should date in general. It allows someone to gain experience. Figure out what they like, don’t like, how to treat someone, how they want to be treated, etc.

  5. Eh, I’d like my hypothetical daughter to date a guy with more money but I’d be happy if she was with a guy like me

  6. This question is weird to me.

    I do not own my daughter, so I dont even understand why it would be up to me to “allow” it.

    Would I be thrilled with it? Probably not, as dating a recovering addict is hard for everyone.

  7. Yeah I would. One of the best pieces of advice I was told when I was young was “be the man you’d want your future daughter to date” and it’s something I’ve lived by even outside of relationships.

    But, even though my fiance and I don’t have any children quite yet, the hypothetical thought of our future daughter doing the things in bed that we do is *absolutely* not something I’ll ever want to cross my mind. 🤣

  8. They choose who they choose. All I can do is educate her on what constitutes a poor choice.

    But yes, I’m fucking dope.

  9. No. A guy like me will cheat on her with hotter girls everytime she turns her back. So **NO.**

  10. Makes 500k a year, loyal, doesn’t do drugs, and obsessed with warhammer 40k? Where do I sign?

  11. No because the Navy destroys your image of women, I don’t trust them, I’ve seen how they act when “hubby”is 1000’s of miles away, whoever came up with the saying “out of sight is out of mind” definitely knew his woman

  12. well first of all I wouldn’t allow, nor not allow it. let me explain. if my supposed daughter would be 16 and would date a 16 year old boy that is exactly like how I was at 16, she’s free to do as she wishes. I will advise her not to, or to be careful, and I’ll be there for her when inevitably she will get her heart broken. imo kids don’t need to be protected that way, like forbid them to date a certain person or things like that. of course, if it’s something beyond reason it shall be forbidden but, if it’s something that’s not gonna threaten their safety, life, health and long-term future, they should be able to live their own life, make their own decisions and learn their own lessons. the age for when this should happen is absolutely subjective, but supposing there’s a grain of reason and common sense into that kid’s head, by 16 they should be able to tell what’s good and what’s bad

  13. It depends.

    Does he look like me? Meh, a lot of guys have bald heads and beards.

    Is his personality like mine? An unsettling coincidence. I’d be disappointed she couldn’t find someone a little different. But then again, a man with a calm, stoic demeanor who rarely gets angry is quite attractive to a lot of women.

    Does he have the same mannerisms, laughing style, hobbies and interests as me? That’s unsettling

    All of the above? I’d probably need to have a talk with her about her underlying daddy issues. That’s stomach-churning levels of creepy.

    Same age as me? Absolutely fucking, NO!

  14. I know this is AskMen so I may be out of line but my own father would tell me ever since I was little to avoid marriage altogether because true love is not a real thing. I never understood why because wouldn’t every father want their daughter to find happiness in a loving relationship? Then in adulthood I found out he’s been having a 10 year long affair and was very abusive to my mother. So maybe some of his warnings were projection.

  15. I suppose so. I would maybe prefer that she would date someone without the complications of mental health issues I deal with though, just so her life would be easier. But I wouldn’t be disappointed if she was with someone like me. I would know that he would love her deeply, connect with her emotionally, and be good to her.

  16. I don’t “allow” my daughter to date anyone. She dates who she decides to date. [edited for hurt feelings]

  17. No, I wouldn’t.

    Because I need a dumb sucker for my daughter.

    A man who would sacrifice himself for my daughter.

  18. I’m a good guy (or at least I try to be) but I was in a gang when I was younger and I also sold drugs and I did a lot of other stupid shit and I would not want my daughter to be with someone like that.

  19. Absolutely and I would let her know if her intentions were to play games don’t fuck with that Man cause although I’m your dad, if he’s anything like me you better be a fucking honest and loyal woman who says what she means and doesn’t play any games. Im a realist who would die for my woman and protect her from the bad things in life. So if she has a man like that I would be happy to know she has a real man.

  20. If I had a daughter and she started dating a guy like myself I’d sit him down and say “son, you got a thing that a lot of people miss an opportunity on don’t do something stupid but don’t be too passive about how you feel with her”

  21. Yeah. I would. I’ve never hurt or cheated on a woman and never would. So I know my daughter would be happy and safe.

    My father however, I’d want my daughter to stay away from men like him. And he himself who has matured even told me “Don’t ever treat women how I did” and told my sister (his daughter) “Make sure you avoid men like me”

    Since my dad is a serial cheat. My stepfather however is what a perfect man towards his partner should be.

    My stepfather showed me how I should be and my biological father showed me what not to be

  22. As someone whose parents didn’t care about who I dated as a teenager… please do care and control to some extent.
    I was dating grown men, like 40+ as a teenager. I wish my parents would step in and tell me no, it’s inappropriate. I wish I had dated someone my own age.

    And children shouldn’t date at all.

  23. Totally. I think every father/mother wishes his/her children to have good partners. Beside health and good work, this is the third important topic.

  24. My greatest goal in life is to show my girls what a healthy relationship is. I want my kids to see teamwork, love and respect (even if my wife and i split). I want them to say “wow dad really loves mom”

  25. An alternate me with same qualities and shortcomings, yes. But I’d tell her to communicate and know what she wants.

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