
I have some issue sometimes with my balls when having sex or masturbating 😬

Sometimes when having erections or having sex, I have my left testicle which goes up “disappear”
I guess it depends on the position I’m in, I noticed it’s less frequent when I’m “up” and it’s more frequent when I’m layed on my back, but there seems to have no rule, sometimes it doesn’t happen for a while and sometimes it happens few times in a row
It’s very frequent when I ejaculate and the balls goes back down after a while.

From what I read online, it seems it’s not serious and not a reason for major concern.

Am I the only one in this situation? 🤔Should I be worried that someday it won’t go down? 😬When it disappear, there is always a scary few seconds when I have only one ball 😱until it goes down usually when I stand up or move a bit, but it still scary somehow it will get stuck someday? Can it happen?
Is this a reason for concern?

Thanks for the advice!

  1. I think it’s harmless. Sumo wrestlers push their testicles up into their abdomen. You have to train the muscles in that spot in order to be able to do that.

    Some time after age 40, by accident, I discovered that orgasm causes the muscle on my right side to slacken to the point I can easily push that testicle inside. Once I do this, if I don’t keep my fingers over the spot, the testicle will pop back down. The slackness lasts for a few minutes. Once the novelty wore off, I quit doing it because it isn’t fun. It’s neither bad nor good.

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