How did you make the transition from young college student to young adult in the real world ?

  1. There wasn’t really a transition because I was a young adult in the real world while I was also a young college student. I was fully supporting myself at 18, so I didn’t have a carefree college experience; I was working and taking care of my life while I was in college. Transitioning from college+work to just work was a nice way to reclaim some free time I hadn’t been able to have in years.

  2. I never had the luxury of pretending that college wasn’t “the real world” to begin with. I worked my way through school, and sometimes held down two jobs between terms. After that, working full time and not having the pressures of schoolwork as well felt like a relief.

  3. I was a young adult when I was in college, this question makes no sense.

    I had a job, I had responsibilities, and I had bills to pay. The only change when I graduated was that I had free evenings.

  4. I got a full time 9-5 office job and stopped working part time at the mall like I was doing during university.

  5. I moved out at 18 and started working ft. Planning to go to college next year(am 20 now). I loved taking a break from school. I learned a ton, traveled, make friends. Learned about rent, credit, cooking, groceries. You kinda just jump into it.

  6. I worked all throughout college so it was always the real world for me. My dad paid my tuition but I paid my rent, food, gas, etc.

  7. It wasn’t that major of a transition. At university I was already fully independent, doing all the adult stuff like renting and paying bills. The big difference when I graduated was I started working and boy was I working far more hours and way harder than at uni. I was and felt much more productive and really enjoyed going out into the “real world”, felt like I was making much more a difference.

  8. I just did college online so I could do both at the same time. I didn’t want to waste 4 years before broke and surviving on ramen when I could start living now

  9. Had to work my way through college to afford to live, so it was simply a matter of going from 30 hours a week to 40 hours a week. Never really experienced a “fun” college life where I didn’t have responsibilities like rent, bills, household chores, etc. It was adult life from day 1.

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